Athletics: Jakob Ingebrigtsen took the gold after being pushed with Samuel Philström

Philström was offensive and had a little push with the big favorite before he got the lead and never released it.

– It felt good to pull the lead and then Jacob came and brought some too many. I got stuck with two laps left and lost some position to fight for the medals. I have to get tougher and not let people in, says Philström.

At the rally, Ingebrigtsen put in another gear and won the race easily at 3.36.56.

Earlier this winter, Ingebrigtsen became the first in the world ever to run below 3.30 indoors. He then ran your turn with a Norwegian flag.

Philström finished sixth at 3.39.07 and became an experience richer for the World Cup in Nanjing, China, in two weeks where he received a Wildcard.

– I wanted to give it a chance to go for a medal even if it didn’t really hold but a sixth place is pretty good, says Philström.
