Athletics: Armand Duplantis has a new pole ready: “You can jump at 6.30”

There is a whole science to rods and their length and stiffness. Mondo’s previous record has been hoped for with a 5.20 meter pole. Now he tells us that there are two rods in stock that are five centimeters longer, 5.25. They have been around for a while but have not yet been used in competition.

– With my new pole you can jump at 6.30. But it’s not that easy to do, although I wish I could do it on Tuesday. I hope to use that rod this year, says Duplantis who believes they can work better if the approach is even faster. It will be a new challenge.

– You must not be afraid, but go all out. It’s a game and it’s about who has the most courage and dares to have the stiffest rod. Not everyone can handle it and it is largely about the mental side. I have the confidence, says Duplantis.

Old staff at a record attempt on Tuesday

His own world record is 6.23, where the International Association of Athletics Federations makes no distinction between outdoor and indoor. There is a record.

Given that Duplantis has so far raised his record by one centimeter at a time, it will probably be a while before the new super stick comes out of the case.

– To jump at 6.24, I don’t need that much more pole, explains Duplantis.
