At the trial of the Nice attack, the last words of the defendants before the deliberations of the court

Chokri Chafroud one of the main defendants denies any involvement

The trial of the July 14 attack in Nice, which began on September 5, is coming to an end. It was a very short hearing, this Monday, December 12. The court heard the last words of the defendants, before retiring to deliberate.

With our special correspondent at the Paris courthouse, Laura Martel

The debates are now over “Said, as usual, President Raviot, at the end of this sixtieth trial hearing. Just before, it will have sufficed about ten minutes to hear the last words of the seven defendants present. Fifteen years in prison were required against the three principals, with a request for conviction for terrorist criminal association concerning Chokri Chafroudwho declined to add anything this morning, and Mohamed Ghraieb.

I want to reaffirm my innocence, I am not a terrorist, I have nothing to do with what happened “, said this Franco-Tunisian. Like the other respondents, he also had a word for the victims. ” I listened carefully to the civil parties and heard their suffering, I wish them to rebuild and find peace “, he said. His lawyers, like those of Chokri Chafroud, pleaded acquittal.


Ramzi Arefa is he the third defendant for whom the prosecution has asked for 15 years for criminal association, but this time, with abandonment of the terrorist qualification, considering that this ” small trafficker who admitted having provided the gun used by the killer, did so while ignoring his radicalization. ” I said and said again that I was guilty of having sold a weapon without having thought about it. I’ve been thinking about it for over six years now, hope you heard it “Launched Ramzi Arefa to his judges, to whom his lawyers had asked” a just sentence “.

The court has now retired to answer the 81 questions put to it on the possible guilt of the defendants. The verdict is expected this Tuesday, December 13, from 5 p.m.

► Read also : Trial of the Nice attack: the defense of Chokri Chafroud denies his involvement one last time
