At the summer university of France Insoumise, the union of the left at the center of concerns

At the summer university of France Insoumise the union of

It is in scattered ranks that the Nupes is making its political comeback: the union of the left and environmentalists continues to tear itself apart over the strategy for the European elections.

3 mins

With our special correspondent in Châteauneuf-sur-Isère, Aurelien Devernoix

It was one of the expected debates of the summer universities of France Insoumise. The head of the list of ecologists at the European Marie Toussaint was to discuss how to overcome the differences on Europe with LFI. But the discussion fell short, swallowed up by the recurring question of the union

Each time Marie Toussaint speaks, the room expresses its dissatisfaction with boos and questions. The Green MEP has indeed had a hard time justifying her party’s choice to refuse the common list proposed by the Insoumis. Result, the unease is flagrant at the end of the debate, Aurélie, rebellious activist, is even frankly annoyed: “ At some point, we had the same desires for the French population and for Europe, that is to say to have a Europe of social justice, climate justice and we remain stuck on stories of places. »

But, on the environmentalist side too, we fulminate, like Maud: ” We are here to debate and there, there were no substantive elements to be able to debate. The points of convergence have been listed, but we must also be lucid about what divides us in order to be able to successfully defuse it. »

In the rebellious ranks, we recognize half-words that the sequence is not very productive… while Marie Toussaint has never hidden her sympathy for Nupes. But “ it is once again the proof that leaving separated makes no sense regrets her comrade in the European Parliament and future rival in the campaign, Manon Aubry.

At the same time, this weekend, the leader of France insoumise (LFI) Jean-Luc Mélenchon declared that he approved the initiative of Ségolène Royal, saying he was ready to lead a list of union of left-wing parties to Europeans.

La France Insoumise wants to seduce and improve its image

But another subject agitates La France Insoumise: how to improve its image when the movement is regularly accused of being a left-wing version of the National Rally? “ If we don’t get out of this demonization, we take 20 years in the opposition “. The diagnosis is signed François Ruffin and like the deputy of the Somme, many of them are worried about the trap set according to them by Emmanuel Macron.

I am often told in my constituency: “You are fine, but your colleagues…” It is also important that we are angry because we also represent anger, but we must also know how to temper or qualify “, Charlotte Leduc, deputy LFI.

Nuance, but the road is strewn with pitfalls, including one in particular according to Charlotte, Insoumise sympathizer: “There is no one here who dares to criticize Jean-Luc Mélenchon. And I think it’s him who is a bit scary with his tone which can seem aggressive. Besides, I told no one that I was there because LFI is a party that is more scary than the National Rally…”

Should we then have less fury? Above all, more seduction and fewer divisions, according to the communist mayor of Trappes Ali Rabeh: “ We already have ambitious proposals with in particular the Nupes program in the legislative elections. Now, the question is how we spend more time presenting these proposals to the French and what they can gain from it. In what way, it is the path to happiness that we offer them rather than showing off our divisions. »

In short, it is necessary to give the image of Insoumis and by association of the Nupes as an alternative of society in the face of Macronist liberalism and the “ reassuring emptiness “Which characterizes Marine le Pen, according to the left and environmentalists.
