at the National Rally, the ticket strategy unchanged despite the dissolution

at the National Rally the ticket strategy unchanged despite the

At the National Rally, everything accelerates after Jordan Bardella’s victory in the European elections on June 9 and the announcement of the dissolution by President Macron. The populist national party had to urgently release its “Matignon plan”. For months, the RN said it was working on the possibility of its entry into government. With what place for Marine Le Pen?

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Dissolution requires Marine Le Pen to return to the arena. But the three-time presidential candidate wants to preserve herself for 2027. Marine Le Pen at the Élysée, Jordan Bardella in Matignon. For months, this is the ticket that National Rally executives have been selling to journalists throughout interviews. With the dissolution, this dual objective remains unchanged, even if the calendar is reversed.

In the event of victory at the polls on July 7, Marine Le Pen will stay behind and let her young foal enter Matignon. “ I prefer to concentrate on the presidency of the Republic », has been repeating for a week the former member of parliament for Pas-de-Calais who is back on the campaign trail to get re-elected in her constituency.

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Protect yourself in the event of failure of cohabitation

This distribution of roles allows Marine Le Pen to protect herself in the event of failure of cohabitation while asserting her hierarchical superiority over Jordan Bardella. Because if the undisputed leader of the National Rally abandoned the reins of the party a year and a half ago, no one at the RN questions her authority.

This duo works perfectly », Tells us a regular at strategic meetings. “ Jordan brings back votes among young people and executives and Marine decides the main directions the party takes. » Patiently waiting for 2027.

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