at the Franco-Spanish border, Marine Le Pen defends a “dissuasive” policy

at the Franco Spanish border Marine Le Pen defends a dissuasive

Competing in the polls with the right-wing candidate Valérie Pécresse and the far-right polemicist Éric Zemmour, Marine Le Pen in turn takes down her cards on immigration. At the Franco-Spanish border, the candidate National Rally (RN) defended a policy on Sunday ” dissuasive To stop the arrival of migrants in France.

With our special correspondent at Perthus, Pierre Olivier

On the edge of the highway, in Perthus, Marine Le Pen plays the astonished: “ Here we are at what should be the border and which no longer is. There should be a border post. There is no border post, you noticed! “.

Behind the candidate, the cars are going at 110 kilometers per hour. Instead, she wants to apply the hand brake and deter migrants with ” measures which mean that, trying to come clandestinely to France, in reality does not bring any benefit “.

Competitors “not credible on the subject”

Then, Marine le Pen unrolls: ” The national priority in terms of housing, jobs, social assistance in order to disconnect the suction pumps and thus put an end to the attractiveness of France for hundreds of thousands of foreigners. Certain benefits, such as family allowances, will be reserved for the French, others may be subject to five years of full-time equivalent work, the ban on regularization of illegals will be the rule. , continues candidate RN.

In her rearview mirror, on the right, Marine Le Pen keeps an eye on her competitors and attacks their proposals. ” They are not credible on this subject, she exclaims. I announced myself that, for many months, I wanted to hold a referendum, this is the referendum. It is drafted. All you have to do is get it to vote. Where is Madame Pécresse’s referendum? Where is Mr. Zemmour’s referendum? I haven’t seen any of this.

