at the end of the plenary meeting of the Party, the ambivalence of the signals of the power

at the end of the plenary meeting of the Party

In North Korea, the Workers’ Party ended Friday evening three days of plenary meetings. An important meeting that aims to assess the effectiveness of the regime’s public policies in different sectors. It was obviously a question of economy, health policy, but also of defense with a change at the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and statements by Kim Jong-un.

With our correspondent in Seoul, Nicholas Rocca

Without directly naming the United States and the South Korean neighborKim Jong-un nevertheless reaffirmed his desire to defend the interests of the nation, and to fight against “ the enemy “. If during the three days of the meeting it was above all a question of the objectives of the regime in the economic field since the country has been undergoing forced isolation since the start of the pandemic and health policy while the authorities announce a total assessment of more than 4, 4 million cases of fever, Kim Jong-un did not forget to mention the international environment that he considers ” dangerous “.

A context which supposes according to him that it is necessary to achieve the objectives of defense of the mode in an urgent way. A statement that can be analyzed as a justification for the seventh nuclear test, the preparations for which seem to be complete.

To read: North Korea: the country fires a salvo of eight ballistic missiles

The appointment of a new Minister of Foreign Affairs

But the messages sent by Pyongyang after the meeting are ambivalent, because the announcement of the appointment of Choe Son-hui as foreign minister (she was previously deputy minister) is seen by some experts as a opening message sent to Washington. This very influential woman had participated in negotiations with the Trump administration.

It is therefore difficult to really predict North Korean intentions, but if the regime carries out its nuclear test, it will be a much clearer signal of its wishes with regard to the United States.

To read: UN: the Security Council officially divided on the North Korea file
