The German twitch streamer Kilian “Tanzban” Heinrich (26) is now a star on social media. But the path was not predetermined. In 2012, in the 8th grade, the streamer had significant problems, was considered “addicted to computer games” and was even instructed. Heinrich says that with a lot of luck he made something out of his life. But to this day he suffers from his difficult school days.
Such was the school days for Ban on Dance: Last weekend, Tanzban tweeted about his problems with the German school system. He says he had to go to a special school at a very young age. He then stayed in this system with a “special educational focus” for the rest of his school career and over the years lost all interest in the school. He was obviously playing truant:
I just didn’t want to go to a school that had the sole purpose of accommodating students who had been abandoned by the school system.
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Ban on dancing was admitted to the psychiatric ward for 6 weeks
Skipping had these consequences for him: At the age of 15, at the beginning of the 8th grade, Tanzban decided to drop out of school – but that’s not so easy in Germany. Full-time schooling is compulsory, starting at the age of 5-7 and continuing between the ages of 9 and 12.
Tanzban says that in 2012, in order to avoid a report of absenteeism, he was forcibly committed to an alleged computer game addiction by court order:
Together with those at risk of suicide and drug addicts, I spent 6 weeks in the closed building and was not allowed to leave the building for four weeks due to the high “risk level”. Was treated like an idiot. When I looked at the computer in the secretary’s office, I was ordered to leave because they assumed my addiction was getting the best of me and I needed to use the computer.
A report of absenteeism is directed against the parents of a truant and can result in severe fines.
Tanzban advises followers: Make the most of school – don’t shit like me
How does dance ban see it today? The now-successful Twitch streamer says he didn’t feel like he had a video game addiction. He just wasn’t enjoying himself and didn’t know what to do with his time.
The 26-year-old has the feeling that the system rattled back then. A psychologist didn’t know what to do with him, had him fill out an intelligence test that made Tanzbane “feel stupid” because he didn’t want to stack stones, and he was certified as having “below average intelligence”.
To this day, something is missing in his life because he hasn’t had a proper education. Everyday tasks were difficult for him, he obviously suffers from how people treat him when they know about his career at school.
His advice to students today: The streamer advises his followers on Twitter:
Never give up. School is an important but small part of your life. So make the most of the time and don’t poop like me. Not everyone has the luck I’ve had with YouTube and Twitch.
Here’s how people react on Twitter: Tanzban receives a lot of sympathy for his statements. He is congratulated above all for what he has made of his life despite this unfavorable starting position. People find it impressive that he speaks so openly about the time and stands by it:
Especially MMOs and MMORPGs invite you to spend a lot of time in virtual worlds. The suspicion quickly arises that a player is addicted:
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