At least ten thousand will demonstrate against Israel in Malmö

The war in the Gaza Strip has caused major protest movements around the world. And when Israel comes to Malmö during Eurovision, large demonstrations are planned against the country’s participation.
– I think it is difficult to find reasons not to demonstrate, says the artist Mikael Wiehe.

“Malmö says no to genocide. Israel out of Eurovision or Eurovision out of Malmö.”

That’s what it says on posters that have been put up around the city recently. Two large demonstrations against Israel’s participation in Eurovision are planned in Malmö, where ten thousand are expected to participate according to the applications.

– Our protests must be peaceful. We will walk the streets of Malmö for peace and for international law. Many Malmö residents have family members in Gaza and many have lost family members in Gaza in the past year, says Yomn Kadoura (V), spokesperson for Stop Israel.

It is unclear how many will participate

After the war between Israel and Hamas began, there have been weekly demonstrations against Israel. So far, the demonstrations have been calm and peaceful, but the police are still manning up. At the same time, it is not known how many will participate in the demonstrations against Israel.

– We have it in our planning. We have a lot of staff in the police who will work during Eurovision in Malmö, which also includes handling possible demonstrations and manifestations, says Jimmy Modin, press spokesperson for the police in the southern region.

Holding own concerts – in protest

Concerts are organized in connection with the two demonstrations on the ninth and eleventh of May. Mikael Wiehe, Nynningen, Kofia and General Knas are some of the artists expected to perform.

– I think it is difficult to find reasons not to demonstrate with 35,000 dead, most of them children. What do I have to oppose, buy weapons and go to Palestine? No, better to play a song in Pildammsparken, says Mikael Wiehe.

Malmö has a significant problem with anti-Semitism. At demonstrations and unauthorized manifestations, anti-Semitic slogans have been shouted. Last fall, an Israeli flag was burned outside Malmö’s synagogue, something Sweden’s Committee against Antisemitism sees as an antisemitic act.

“Can understand that it tears up wounds”

Before the planned demonstrations, Stop Israel writes on its website that a limited number of slogans have been prepared. You must also have demonstration guards who are responsible for what is shouted.

– I have many Jewish friends and can understand that this tears open terrible wounds. But it should come down to an understanding of the other side’s suffering and not just thinking about yourself and your own suffering. But that applies to both sides, says Mikael Wiehe.
