At least one dead and 10-15 injured in shooting at Super Bowl parade in Kansas City | Foreign countries

At least one dead and 10 15 injured in shooting at

The police have said that they have arrested two armed people for further investigations.

In the United States, at least one person has died and 10-15 have been wounded in a shooting in connection with the parade celebrating the Super Bowl victory of the Kansas City Chiefs, rescue officials say.

The condition of three of the wounded is critical and five are seriously wounded, a representative of the Kansas City rescue service tells news agency AFP. The injuries of one of the wounded are not life-threatening.

The police said earlier that they had arrested two armed people for further investigations. The police who informed about the shooting in message service X initially asked those present to leave the area so that the victims of the shooting could be better treated.

According to the authorities, the shooting took place on the west side of the local train station, near the parking garage, when the Chiefs fans had been leaving, reports the news channel ABC News.

According to the news channel, about a million people and about 600 law enforcement officers were expected to arrive at the parade.

Kansas City is located in the state of Missouri.

The news will be updated.
