At least nine dead after fishing boat sinks in South Atlantic – four missing | News in brief

The crew included citizens of five countries, including Spaniards and Russians. On Wednesday, the authorities did not have more detailed information about why the fishing vessel sank.

At least nine crew members of a fishing vessel have died after their vessel capsized in a severe storm in the South Atlantic. Four crew members were missing on Wednesday evening, and 14 on board had been rescued.

Among other things, the British Broadcasting Company BBCAccording to , a ship named Argos Georgia sent a distress message on Monday from a location located less than 400 kilometers east of the Falkland Islands. The 27-person crew had to abandon the ship when water began to flood it.

The crew included citizens of five countries, including Spaniards and Russians.

On Wednesday, the authorities did not have more detailed information about why the fishing vessel sank.

Rescue operations were initiated by Britain, whose overseas part is the Falkland Islands. Argos Georgia has sailed under the flag of another British overseas territory, Saint Helena.
