At least 45 people died in a migrant boat shipwreck in Italy – the highest number of migrants in five years

At least 45 people died in a migrant boat shipwreck

Almost 160,000 migrants tried to cross the Mediterranean to Europe last year. Over ten thousand people have died or gone missing on the route in the last five years.

13:36•Updated 14:10

At least 45 people have died and dozens are still missing in a boat accident off the coast of Calabria, southern Italy.

The accident happened in the province of Crotone, when a boat carrying Somali, Pakistani and Afghan migrants was wrecked on a rocky coast due to stormy weather.

According to the Italian authorities, the ship had set off from Turkey.

According to the Italian news agency Adnkronos (you will be redirected to another service) there were more than 180 passengers on the boat. The boat split in two in the accident.

– No one should have to witness something like this. Bodies are still washed ashore. Among the dead are women and children, the mayor of the nearby town of Cutro Antonio Ceraso said to Adnkronos.

More migrants are arriving across the Mediterranean all the time

According to the UN refugee agency UNHCR (you will switch to another service) in 2022, 159,410 people arrived in Europe across the Mediterranean. The figure is the highest since 2017.

In the past five years, 10,852 people have been killed or disappeared on the route.

This makes the route one of the most dangerous migration routes in the world.

Although the number of migrants arriving is increasing, it is still far from 2015, when more than one million migrants crossed the Mediterranean.

Prime Minister Meloni: We will prevent the boats from leaving

Prime Minister of Italy, representing the far-right Italian Brotherhood party Giorgia Meloni offered his condolences for the accident.

At the same time, he accused people smugglers of criminal activity.

– It is criminal to launch a 20-meter-long boat with 200 passengers in stormy weather, he said In the press release of the Italian Prime Minister’s Office. (you switch to another service)

Meloni promised that the government would continue to work to ensure that boats carrying migrants would never be able to set off for Italy.

Human rights organizations have criticized (you go to another service)the government’s line, which according to them has made it difficult to rescue migrants in distress at sea.

Melon’s government has refused to accept ships carrying migrants rescued from the sea, which has caught them to continue their journey to, for example, France (you switch to another service).

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