At least 18 people killed in suicide attacks at a wedding, funeral and hospital in Nigeria | News in brief

The suicide bombers are suspected to have been female.

At least 18 people have been killed and 30 injured in attacks by suicide bombers on Saturday in Nigeria’s northeastern Borno state. This was reported by the local rescue authorities. The suicide bombers are suspected to have been female.

Borno State Rescue Director Barkindo Saidu said that suicide bombers are suspected to have separately attacked a wedding, a funeral and a hospital in the town of Gwoza. According to Saidu, 18 deaths have been confirmed, and among the dead there are also children and pregnant women.

There are reportedly around 30 injured.

– The severity of the injuries varies from ruptured stomachs to skull and limb fractures, Saidu described.

So far, no group has taken responsibility for the actions.

Borno is already the center of the 15-year-old Islamist insurgency in Nigeria. During that time, thousands of people have died and millions have had to flee their homes. Although the Nigerian army has managed to weaken the insurgents’ strike capability, they continue to carry out deadly attacks against civilians and public targets.

The most active terrorist organizations in the region are Boko Haram and the breakaway Islamic State West Africa Province, or ISWAP.

Source: Reuters
