At La Gaîté Lyrique de Paris, the expulsion operation of 400 migrants promises to be muscular

At La Gaite Lyrique de Paris the expulsion operation of

Invested by hundreds of migrants on December 10, the Gaîté Lyrique, a Parisian cultural place, will be forcibly evacuated on Tuesday morning, the police headquarters announced.

A little more than three months after the start of the occupation of the Gaîté Lyrique, an order ordering the evacuation of the performance hall located on rue Papin, in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, was taken by the prefect of police of the capital, Laurent Nuñez. The text orders precisely to the “occupants without law or title of the Gaîté Lyrique to leave the premises before Tuesday March 18”. Otherwise, it is specified, the police will proceed to their evacuation, indicates The Parisian. The police should intervene around 6 a.m.

While 450 young migrants, according to France 3 regionswill have to leave the premises without a rehousing solution, the dissident voices were quick to be heard on Monday evening to denounce this situation. Insoumise France called on X to demonstrate Monday from 6 p.m. Objective to question the authorities while people who must be expelled tomorrow morning are for many isolated minors without accommodation solution. Another rally is also to take place Tuesday morning at 6 am, time of the start of evacuation by the police, according to a press release published on X by the deputy of Paris Danielle Simonnet. In addition to the number of people to be expelled, the police will therefore have to deal with particularly reassembled demonstrators.

Left in a legal vacuum

The young exiles who occupy the premises of the lyric gaiety settled there on December 10. Minors, without housing, they deplore the fact that the French State currently offers them only temporary solutions, in the region, far from Paris. However, this would prevent them from continuing their steps whether social, medical, administrative, legal or school, underlines France 3.

They claim that their minority be recognized and hope to be educated and obtain stable accommodation. “These young people are still recourse for recognition of minority. If they are recognized, they will have to be taken care of by the City of Paris, otherwise, it will be up to the State to act. They are currently left in a legal vacuum: neither minors nor major,” the local deputy EELV of Paris Pouria Amirshahi explains to the local media.

The state accused of having “played the rotting of the situation”

Denouncing a “scandal”, the deputy Danielle Simonnet estimates in her press release that these young migrants “are trapped like hundreds of minors isolated in appeal in a cruel and absurd situation where, pending their appeal, neither the department nor the State accepts to take care of them”. For the elected official, the state clearly “played the rotting of the situation”.

While the town hall of Paris, by the voice of its assistant Léa Filoche, had assured on February 12 in a letter which it would not request by the police as long as sustainable accommodation solutions are not proposed, Danielle Simonnet points to the city’s decision to have chosen the appeal to the administrative court. Appeals which finally gave the green light to the expulsion.

The town hall of Paris, for years, has been accusing the state to disengage on the care of the public on the street. And while everyone returns the ball, management and employees of the Gaîté Lyrique, for their part, had to make the keys to the theater at the end of February, deploring “no longer being able to ensure the management, maintenance and exploitation of the building”.
