Botox injections? Popular diets? Intensive sport? What are Evelyne Dhéliat’s secrets for maintaining a dream figure and radiant skin for more than 50 years on television? She gives herself up.
Evelyne Dhéliat gave an interview to the magazine Gala, on newsstands since January 16. On this occasion, the weather star on TF1 revealed some of her anti-aging tips which seem to work wonders.
This is to celebrate the documentary titled TF1: 50 years together which will be broadcast on January 21, Evelyne Dhéliat spoke to the magazine. The one who has been present since the very beginning of the first channel seduces us with her joyful beauty, her sincere smile and her iconic short haircut. Moreover, to preserve this youth over the years, the weather presenter does not count on the cosmetic surgeryquite the contrary. “Botox injections, all that? I never did anything! First I’ll be too scared”she admitted. Evelyne Dhéliat’s secret lies in acceptance. “It’s true, I accept my age and everything else. At the same time, I don’t feel my age at all.” said the 76-year-old grandmother. And she is right, because even the doctors told her: “You have the constitution of a woman fifteen or twenty years younger.”
To ensure this Olympic form, Evelyne Dhéliat maintains her body with physical activity. But there is no question of playing sports excessively, especially at this age when the body is more fragile.. “I love walking but I don’t do much sport”pointed out the one who constantly takes the stairs. When it comes to food, the German doesn’t deprive herself. “I never skip a meal. I even have a huge appetite. It makes everyone in the TF1 canteen laugh when I have good plates and sometimes two desserts!”said the blonde who makes good weather every evening in front of millions of viewers.