At 70, Isabelle Huppert is ultra trendy with her total leather look and her lipstick to match her hair color

At 70 Isabelle Huppert is ultra trendy with her total

Wavy bob, pep lipstick and bold look: Isabelle Huppert is at the height of style with this rejuvenating beauty treatment that suits her perfectly! The proof in photos.

During this Paris Fashion Week, Isabelle Huppert made an impression during the Balenciaga fashion show which took place on March 3. The actress supports her status as a seasoned beautysta with this exceptional beauty update that gives her a youthful look. And his fans are won over judging by the many likes on his Instagram photos.

Isabelle Huppert’s monochrome look

It was for a dark look that Isabelle Huppert fell for the fall-winter 2024-2025 collection from Balenciaga, a house of which she is one of the muses. Thus, the Frenchwoman sported a total black leather look which was counterbalanced by a luminous beauty look. The star made a good choice because the attention was focused on her radiant face. We note her glowy complexion and her smooth skin, without imperfections which were camouflaged by a large pair of black glasses. Another good beauty point: the color of her lipstick which echoed her flamboyant coloring. Thus, Isabelle Huppert displayed a vibrant mouth matched to her signature red. We particularly like its bob styled with a wavygiving it an irresistible natural chic.

© isabelle.huppert Instagram

What is Isabelle Huppert’s ultimate anti-aging secret?

With this successful beauty treatment, Isabelle Huppert gives herself a fresh and rejuvenating look, right in line with current trends. To ensure such a beautiful and radiant face, the one who was born in Paris has a favorite product: Elizabeth Arden’s Eight Hour Cream. A cult treatment created in 1930, this cream is multifunctional because it soothes tightness, nourishes dry skin, brings radiance to the face, softens cuticles and even calms skin irritations. It’s one of the youthful secrets of Isabelle Huppert who is resplendent at the age of 70 !
