At 55, Clotilde Courau reveals the secret of her Olympic form and it’s very simple

At 55 Clotilde Courau reveals the secret of her Olympic

Clotilde Courau always appears fulfilled thanks to a wellness routine that allows her to stay young. Discover her very effective beauty tips.

Approaching the sixties, Clotilde Courau found how to appear young and dapper, without cosmetic surgery, nor miraculous recipe. Among its anti-aging secrets, there are in particular sport, combining health and pleasure.

As she lives in Paris with her two daughters and her husband Emmanuel-Philibert de Savoie lives between Los Angeles and Italy, the family likes to meet for a sunny vacation. This is an opportunity for the actress to work on her tan but also her figure. Last summer, the French was in Corsica, to practice her “Favorite Sport”, As she had revealed in photo on her Instagram account. On the shot, you could see a diving mask and two fins placed on the sand, suggesting that Clotilde Courau’s favorite sport is the swimming. Because water offers soft resistance on muscles, this physical activity is perfect for burn calories and refine the whole body. As beneficial for silhouette as health, swimming is a sport without very effective impact to keep the line at all ages.

In addition to sport, Clotilde Courau completes its youth routine with healthy habits, easy to apply on a daily basis. In an interview for GalaPrincess Clotilde of Savoy, Duchess of Savoy and Princess of Venice revealed: “It’s necessary eat wellsleep well “. Simple tips which, however, have formidable benefits on the body. The one who likes to practice walking in the capital also specified that she is not afraid to age. “It would be like saying ‘life scares me’. Every morning, I wake up grateful to be alive. I know that my life will be beautiful at 60, at 70 years old …“Said the 55 -year -old star who still radiates beauty.
