astronauts from the Artemis 2 mission visiting Congress in Washington

astronauts from the Artemis 2 mission visiting Congress in Washington

The astronauts of the future Artemis 2 mission are passing through Washington. Before going around the Moon without setting foot there in a year and a half, they visited the people who matter in the federal capital. Their goal is to ensure that they are given the means to fulfill their ambitions.

With our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

They are four. Three men and a woman. Three Americans and one Canadian. In their blue jumpsuits, they come out of the Capitol. While tight discussions are underway about future budget expenditures, they have clearly come to ensure with elected officials that they will not be forgotten. And apparently, the future first African-American around the Moon is rather reassured.

They want to continue to support us. And they know the importance of the decisions in the current debates for the future viability of our vision and for the execution of this mission. And so I come out inspired. I think maybe I didn’t do my job well. I come out of these meetings and it’s me who’s pumped up “said Victor Glover.

Astronauts enjoy weight support. Their colleague Mark Kelly has flown in the space shuttle four times. He became a Democratic senator from Arizona and a strong advocate for space programs. ” From an economic point of view, let’s be clear, even if there is an initial investment in these programs, NASA is of great value to the American taxpayer, because the country receives a huge return on investment “, he assures.

Artemis 2 is just one step. The ultimate goal is to accumulate enough experience and knowledge to one day go to Mars. It is further than the moon and therefore will cost more.
