Assuming Åkesson handles it

The opposition has jointly demanded that Sweden Democrat Richard Jomshof leave the post as chairman of the Riksdag’s justice committee. In a vote, the Liberals’ Juno Blom could be a deciding vote – if she were to go against the party. Party leader Johan Pehrson (L) says that he had a talk with his colleague Jimmie Åkesson about Jomshof.

Richard Jomshof has several times written strongly critically about Islam and the prophet Muhammad. Something that has been criticized for worsening an already critical security situation in Sweden.

The opposition has demanded that Jomshof resign from his post.

– His actions endanger Sweden’s security. It is hateful rhetoric with the aim of dividing and damaging Sweden, said Ardalan Shekarabi (S) about the resignation demand.

Pehrson: Have spoken to Åkesson

Johan Pehrson says that he spoke to Jimmie Åkesson (SD) about the matter.

– I have told Jimmie Åkesson that he must come back on how he will ensure that this does not happen again in the light of the very difficult security policy situation that our country is in, says Pehrson and continues:

– Then the Riksdag has a practice of not replacing committee chairmen or deputy committee chairs at all during the term of office.

Where is your liberal red line for what Jomshof can say?

– The fact that we have the cooperation we have and that we represent the government depends on an election result in 2022 that the citizens decided. It is a parliamentary reality. We deal with this in such a way that we give strong criticism.

– I assume that Jimmie Åkesson makes sure that this does not happen again, says Pehrson about Jomshof.
