Assoturismo, Italian tourism experiencing strong growth: +2.6 billion in spending in the first half of 2024

Assoturismo Italian tourism experiencing strong growth 26 billion in spending

(Finance) – “The tourism it is a fundamental engine for the economic growth of our country. Starting from consumption: in the first six months of 2024 the overall expenditure of foreign travelers in Italy should have reached share 23.5 billion euros, approximately 2.6 billion more than the same period in 2023. Confirmation of the systemic importance of Italian tourism, protagonist of an exceptional recovery after Covid. To maintain the competitive system, however, investments are needed”. So Vittorio Messina, President of Assoturismo Confesercenti, on the occasion of World Tourism Day.

“Tourism stimulates the activity of numerous related sectors, as well as support the development of territoriescreating jobs and generating income and foreign exchange earnings. This is also thanks to the network of Italian tourism businesses. Italy has the highest number of accommodation facilities and beds in Europe: 230 thousand establishments and 5.2 million beds, out of a total of 637 thousand establishments and 29 million beds in EU countries”.

“A varied reception system with quality standards appreciated by tourist demand: according to CST estimates for Assoturismo Confesercenti, in the first six months of 2024 the total tourist presences in Italy should be increased by +3%with a leap of +7.5% in foreign tourists, with spending of 23.5 billion euros, 2.6 billion more than the same period in 2023″.

“A formidable recovery of Italian tourism after the unprecedented shock of the pandemic period, even if there was no shortage of critical issues. In particular, that of labor shortage which, associated with an inadequacy of skills, have slowed down the recovery of the sector. Even in the first part of 2024, numerous positions remained vacant in accommodation and food service companies, and although not all job positions are considered strictly tourism professions, the two sectors continue to represent approximately half of employment in tourism”.

“We must therefore ininvest to keep our tourism system competitivestarting from the labor factor. Also because there are several challenges coming. The first is that of Jubilee of 2025which should attract around 30 million tourists to Italy and Rome, helping to consolidate our country’s leadership in religious tourism. A vast segment of adult tourists who, in addition to religious motivation, are attracted by the desire to discover the historical, artistic and cultural heritage. A reflection must also be opened on the impact of climate change on travel habits and destinations.”
