ASSOBIBE: the “Sugar Tax” is ineffective and harmful for the agri-food sector

ASSOBIBE Confindustria Stop the Sugar Tax to safeguard Italian businesses

(Finance) – ASSOBIBE fully shares the important ones appeals from Lega and FI representatives on the ineffectiveness of the so-called “Sugar tax”, which well represent businesses’ concerns about this new tax scheduled for July 2025.

“In particular – he states Giangiacomo Pierini, President of ASSOBIBE, Confindustria association representing producers of soft drinks in Italy – we believe the intervention of the group leader of Forza Italia in the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri, was very significant who, in commenting on the Budget Maneuver, underlined the ineffectiveness of the “Sugar tax” e the opportunity to eliminate it; we also highlight the declaration of Vice President of the Senate, Gian Marco Centinaio who, on the occasion of a Federalimentare event, recalled the Government’s historic position – also in Parliament – to ward off the specter of the “Sugar tax”, hoping that public and private sectors will continue to work together to enhance the agri-food supply chain”.

Pierini concludes: “We strongly reiterate that this taxation will not bring any benefit to the country systemneither to citizens nor to businesses in the agri-food supply chain, which would actually be seriously damaged. This measure, instead of facilitating growth and competitiveness, will increase taxation by 28%, with a market contraction of 16%, a drop in purchases of national raw materials of over 400 million Euros, a brake on investments of 46 million Euros and over 5 thousand jobs at risk.”
