Assisted fertilization. Greco (SIdR): “Law 40 is effective, but it needs to be updated based on technological evolution”

Assisted fertilization Greco SIdR Law 40 is effective but it

(Finance) – “The data released by the National Register of Medically Assisted Procreation, established by law 40 at the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, demonstrate the validity of the legislative initiative and the effectiveness of assisted fertilization treatments. It is necessary, however, to keep up with the times. However, Law 40 is twenty years old, so it should also be updated based on technological evolution, in particular the use of Artificial Intelligence, genetic diagnosis on the embryo and fertility preservation techniques”. The Professor says so Hermann GreekPresident of Italian Reproduction Society (SIdR), regarding the data released by the National Register of Medically Assisted Procreation on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of Law 40 of 2004, which allows the use of Pma.

According to Greco these are “significant numbers, over 217 thousand children born thanks to techniques Of Pma in 20 years, with i treatments carried out every year which have also doubled, along with pregnancy rates. Furthermore, the strong increase in procedures using cryopreserved embryos is also significant. Law 40 – he explains – is an irreplaceable point of reference in the field of assisted reproduction in Italy, regulates and protects the rights and duties of the people involved in the ART process and guarantees a clear regulatory framework. However, it needs to be updated according to constant technological progress.”

“This law – continues Greco – has helped many couples realize their desire to become parents, offering them access to safe and effective techniques and treatments, placing emphasis on health protection, as well as respect for human dignity and fundamental ethical principles. There are multiple i progress obtained thanks to this standard, so it is necessary to continue to monitor and evaluate its applications, ensuring constant updating with the most recent scientific knowledge and the needs of people who turn to assisted reproduction”.

“There Italian Reproduction Society (SIdR) – he underlines – is committed to promoting scientific research, information and training in the field of assisted reproduction, in order to provide couples with the best opportunities and options available in compliance with ethical principles. I believe it is appropriate to encourage dialogue between experts, institutions and civil society to promote greater knowledge on the topic of MAP, which is often experienced as a taboo by the couples involved. The role of us doctors is fundamental in guiding couples along the fertilization journey, informing them correctly and offering them all possible solutions” she concludes.
