Asset, the Government undertakes to evaluate the proposal. Then the turnaround

Asset the Government undertakes to evaluate the proposal Then the

(Finance) – “As requested by the agenda presented by the honorable Fratoianni, which commits the government to ‘evaluate the possibility of introducing a next generation tax’, a sort of new wealth tax, the government quickly evaluated the proposal and just as quickly concluded that he does not intend to follow up on it”. This is what sources from Palazzo Chigi report, commenting on theagenda presented by Nicola Fratoianni (SI) passed today in the Chamber. The text obtained the favorable opinion of the government on the condition of a reformulation which envisaged the introduction of the formula “to evaluate the opportunity of…” with respect to the commitment initially proposed by the presenter of the deed and was therefore adopted by the ‘Aula di Montecitorio without being put to the vote. Then the turnaround.

In detail the government had undertaken “to evaluate the opportunityto find resources to combat implicit and explicit early school leaving, to adopt, in the next useful measure, a next generation tax to ensure that all children and young people residing in Italy can be educated, from nursery school to university, in a completely free”.

“The introduction of the next generation tax – was explained in the text of the agenda – would affect the assets of natural persons only if they exceed five hundred thousand euros, obtained considering the complex, in Italy and abroad, of real estate properties (evaluated on the basis of cadastral values, not those – well higher – on the market), financial investments, bank stocks and luxury movable assets and, at the same time, the elimination of any further form of taxation of these assets (IMU, taxes on current accounts and securities deposits, stamp duties) would lead to an estimated revenue of ten billion euros”.

The Government’s about-face arrives, fatally, after the emergence of some controversies. the deputy of Italia Viva Luigi Marattin who reported the story on Twitter: “Here in the Chamber the Government and the majority – reported on Twitter (now ‘X’) the deputy of Italia Viva Luigi Marattin – have just accepted this agenda from Fratoianni. Which calls for the introduction of a new capital. We at Azione and ItaliaViva were ready to vote fiercely against. But the Meloni-Fratoianni government has decided to welcome him directly without even putting him to the vote. And he is therefore ready to evaluate a new capital”.
