ASPI, Olivieri elected President and Tomasi confirmed as CEO

ASPI Olivieri elected President and Tomasi confirmed as CEO

(Finance) – It met today the ordinary Assembly of Autostrade per l’Italiareconstituted following the suspension which took place on 28 April last, in view of the finalization of the acquisition of the Autostrade per l’Italia shares held by Atlantia by Holding Reti Autostradali (HRA).

The Shareholders’ Meeting resolved to determine in the number of members of the Board of Directors is fourteen and to appoint the following members for the financial years 2022-2023-2024: Elisabetta Oliverithe current Chief Executive Officer Roberto TomasiMassimo Romano, Francesca Pace, Roberta Battaglia, Fabio Massoli, Andrea Valeri, Jonathan Grant Kelly, Sergio Buoncristiano, Stephane Brimont, Robert Edward William Desmond Watt, Fulvio Conti and, from the lists presented by the minority shareholders, Christoph Holzer and Hongcheng Li.

The Assembly also appointed Elisabetta Oliveri as President of the Board of Directors and determined the remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors.

“The path carried out in recent years in Autostrade per l’Italia has been not without difficulties, but also full of achievements”, declared the Outgoing President Giuliano Mariadding “I leave a Group capable of generating value for all its stakeholders, starting with the users and the territories concerned. I want to thank all the people who, with their commitment, competence and daily work, have accompanied my years of presidency and thanks to which today the Group is once again the protagonist of the national infrastructural scene “.

The Assembly resolved to integrate the Board of Statutory Auditors appointing them as Standing Auditors Angelo Gervaso Colomboas President, Franco Cadoppi and Marino Marrazza, as Standing Auditors. The Shareholders’ Meeting, having acknowledged the resignation of Lorenzo De Angelis, also resolved to appoint Daniele Vezzani as Alternate Auditor.

The Board of Directors of ASPI, which met after the Assembly under the Presidency of Elisabetta Oliveri, has confirmed Roberto Tomasi as Chief Executive Officer and appointed Stephane Brimont as Vice-President of the Company.

“I am proud to take on this new position that has been conferred on me and I will make my skills and experience gained in my professional career available to the company”, declared the new President. Elisabetta Oliverihoping that “Autostrade will continue and intensify the demanding path of growth and transformation towards a future of increasingly innovative and sustainable mobility. This is a complex challenge that, I am sure, the skills and talents of the Company, guided by the Board of Administration, they will surely know how to grasp “.

“In the third year since the start of a path of profound and indispensable corporate transformation – added the CEO Roberto Tomasi – today our Group presents itself as a leading player on the national panorama of infrastructures and new technologies, for integrated and sustainable mobility. Ours was an articulated path, which over time required complex decisions, dictated by an initial context of unprecedented crisis “.

“My reconfirmation as Chief Executive Officer – continued the CEO – is the result of the work of a team that has never given up in the face of difficulties and that, every day, has spent itself for the good of the Group and its stakeholders with the definition of an industrial plan that integrates various skills from engineering to the world of construction, sustainable technologies, as well as mobility services, to support the development of the country “.
