ASPI, Next to Legality Plan and Zero Corruption Manifesto selected for the IACC in Washington

ASPI Next to Legality Plan and Zero Corruption Manifesto selected

(Finance) – An important acknowledgment went to Highways for Italy for its commitment against corruption and in promoting the rule of law at the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), now in its twentieth edition, which takes place from 6 to 10 December in the prestigious setting ofOmni Shoreham Hotel Washingtonwhich brings together government institutions, civil society leaders, business executives and the investigative press to promote the global fight against corruption.

The work of the second day was attended by the Director of Risk, Compliance and Quality of ASPI, Nicola Alloccawho is also Chairman of the Business Anti-Corruption Committee at the OECD (BIAC), the body that contains the best practices on the subject of legality and includes representatives of over 30 countries.

Allocca, presenting the program “Next to Legality” of ASPI and the “Zero Corruption” Manifesto for the 18th SDG, he stated “the corruption and the highest form of inequality for our children and it is in this that we must safeguard key resources such as health, education, social welfare and environmental protection. You have to have the courage to admit that it is possible to eliminate corruption and, together, insert the contrast to it among the Sustainable Development Goals”.

“Therefore it is necessary identified in the industrial plans of the companies some guidelines in the compliance area – continued the ASPI manager – which also have the function of enabling the achievement of corporate objectives. In other words, you have to start measure the ‘compliance footprint’ of transformation plans in order to consider the models of Risk, Compliance, Quality, Anti-fraud, Business Continuity and Privacy as key elements of the business”.

Transparency International (TI), which involves international stakeholders, acted as the coordinating actor of the initiative for the preparation and implementation of the internal program of the conference. This reality disseminates ethical values ​​in business practicesto generate positive contagion and a spirit of emulation both in large companiesthrough the Business Integrity Forum, both at SMEswith the dissemination of tools to make processes more transparent and accountable.
