(Finance) – Safety, synergy, protection of citizens and infrastructures, these are the principles at the base of the memorandum of understanding signed between the ring road of Naples, the company of the Autostrade per l’Italia group, the regional direction of the firefighters of public rescue and civil defense for Campania, and the command of the Fire Brigade of Naples. A collaboration that today has taken an important step forward thanks to the delivery by den of special means and the latest generation equipment, for the use of the garrison, operational near the Capodimonte junction in a structure made available by the ring road.
The ceremony, which took place this afternoon at the Provincial Command of the Fire Brigade, in Naples, participated, among others, the vice -president of the Council and Minister of Infrastructure, Matteo Salvini and the Minister of the Interior Matteo Plantedi, the head of the National Fire Brigade Eros Mannino, the head of the Fire Brigade Department Attilio Visconti, the Regional Director of Campania Emanuele Franculli and the CEO of Naples ring road, Luigi Massa.
The new means, all equipped with a latest generation technology, have been chosen not only to further increase the monitoring and emergency management services of the users of the Naples ring road, but also because the new instruments respond to the technical characteristics necessary to preside over the urban areas adjacent to the motorway asset. Among these, in particular, an innovative fire -fighting robot, designed to support operating teams in high risk contexts, where human intervention would be too dangerous, stands out. This robot (also used during the fire of the cathedral of Notre Dame of Paris) is controllable remotely and boasts a high ability to overcome obstacles thanks to a crawler propulsion system that allows it to move easily on rough soils.
The position chosen for the new garrison has a significant strategic relevance, since the Capodimonte junction is neighboring to the Stella and Health and Healthcare neighborhoods of the Municipality of Naples, among the most densely populated districts and with considerable difficulties of accessibility by the large rescue vehicles of the firefighters through the close ordinary roads.
The Tana Agreement is part of the largest national memorandum of agreement signed between the Autostrade per l’Italia group and the Department of Fire Brigade of the Public Rescue of the Civil Defense with the aim of increasingly numerous garrisons for the benefit not only of the road network but also of the inhabited centers adjacent to the motorway network, both in an emergency situation but also for preventive purposes, with the constant monitoring of the territory and the infrastructures managed by ASPI, as well as over 500. Galleries. The agreement, in fact, establishes the possibility of subscribing specific agreements, as already happened in Barberino di Mugello and now in Naples, for the construction of new structures or the redevelopment of pre -existing buildings by ASPI; Training paths of the employees of the ASPI group by the body of the Fire Brigade in order to increase the awareness of the workers in the management of the road network in the event of accidents and as part of the definition of the plant engineering necessary for the design of new works; the strengthening of communication flows between the firefighters and the operating structures of the company; the establishment of a joint working group, with the task of defining the activities relating to the training, the functioning of information flows and for the strengthening of the presence in the area.
The Naples ring road with its 21 km of track is the main axis of the road of the metropolitan city by connecting the east and west areas without affecting the historic city roads with an average daily transit of about 250 thousand vehicles. Also for this reason, a huge modernization program started on the infrastructure with multiple interventions which provides for an enhancement of infrastructures (bridges, viaducts, galleries and safety barriers), the implementation of a series of technological innovations developed by Movyon, the ASPI group company, for digital services dedicated to the programming of the travel, including the installation of a new fiber optic network and the new relevant lighting system. The aim of the plan is to ensure an increasingly secure and resilient infrastructure.
This is the declaration of the head of the National Fire Brigade, ing. Eros Mannino: “The initiative that we celebrate today represents a virtuous example of collaboration between the public and private sector, aimed at guaranteeing greater safety to citizens. The protocol signed between the regional management of the Fire Brigade of Campania and the Tangenziale di Napoli company marks an important step in the enhancement of the operational response capacity for emergencies that can occur on the city road network”.
Thanks to this convention, the National Fire Brigade body equips the latest generation of vehicles and fire -fighting equipment, essential to guarantee even more timely and effective interventions. A concrete contribution that demonstrates the sensitivity and commitment of the Naples Tangenziale Society towards the protection of public security.
A strategic element of this collaboration is undoubtedly the new garrison of the firefighters built near the Capodimonte junction. Its position is particularly relevant not only to ensure rapid interventions on the Naples ring road, one of the most important traffic arteries of the city, but also to strengthen the operational capacity in the historic neighborhoods of the Sanità district and the Stella district. These areas, characterized by a complex urban fabric and with a high housing density, will be able to benefit from a more immediate response in case of need, with obvious advantages for the safety of residents and visitors.
This initiative shows how fundamental the synergistic work is between institutions, territorial bodies and private operators for the well -being of the community. Safety is a shared responsibility, and today we strongly reiterate our commitment for an increasingly efficient service and close to citizens. I thank the Regional Directorate of the Fire Brigade of Campania and the Tangenziale di Napoli company for the great work done, certain that this collaboration will be able to represent a model for other realities in the country. “
“In order to guarantee user safety of users,” Tangenziale di Napoli offers the firefighters special means for the service that they will provide at the new garrison made available at the Capodimonte junction “. The chief executive officer of Naples Luigi Massa commented. “The initiative follows the memorandum of understanding signed by the Autostrade per l’Italia group with the National Department of Fire Brigade of the Ministry of the Interior, to improve the rescue operations on the highway as well as the safety of people who live close to the network. The Capodimonte garrison represents a nervery node of our infrastructure, in fact, it is a barenter of four galleries with the highest density of traffic in the country”. “Thanks to its strategic position, in addition to serving the ring road, it will also be functional to guarantee rapid interventions in the heart of one of the historic neighborhoods of the city, the Sanità district. The rescue vehicles – he concluded – from here will be able to quickly reach the neighborhood thanks to a dedicated access that will be built in agreement with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and the Municipality of Naples. This synergy with the territory arises from our commitment to the city of which we are an integral part of the city”.