Ash Wednesday: Why does Lent last 40 days?

Ash Wednesday Why does Lent last 40 days

Ash Wednesday took place this Wednesday, February 22, 2023. For Christians, it is a day of penance which marks the beginning of Lent and fasting.

[Mise à jour du 23 février 2023 à 11h38]. Christians around the world celebrate the Ash Wednesday ! This day, which follows Mardi Gras, is very symbolic in the Christian religion. She marks the first day of Lent until Easter, which takes place on April 6, 2023. According to custom, believers must respect from Ash Wednesday a period of fasting and restrictions which lasts 40 days. Origin, customs, prohibitions… Here are 7 things to know about Ash Wednesday and Lent.

What is the date of Ash Wednesday?

Ash Wednesday took place on February 22, 2023. Next year, it should be held on the same day as Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2024, since the Mardi Gras party will take place on February 13.

What is Ash Wednesday?

For Christian believers, Ash Wednesday symbolizes the first day of “purification” of body and mind during the period of Lent. During this day, Christians begin their fast, they pray and they show penance, confessing their faults with the will not to repeat them again.

Why do we fast for Ash Wednesday and Lent?

Fasting is an integral part of Lent and begins on Ash Wednesday. The Church invites its faithful to fast so that they detach themselves from their material goods, such as food, and free their hearts for Easter. This time of deprivation allows them to refocus on themselves and their loved ones, and thus to be more receptive to the word of God, far from all temptations.

Why are we talking about “Ash Wednesday”?

The name “Ash Wednesday” refers to a tradition which would have been set up by Pope Gregory Iaround the year 591. When the faithful go to church on Ash Wednesday, the ashes of the last year’s palms (burnt during Lent, a week before Easter) are used during the mass Ashes and placed by the priest on the foreheads of the faithful in the form of a cross.

When can we eat on Ash Wednesday?

During Ash Wednesday, worshipers must go without one meal during the day, usually the midday meal, and refrain from eating meat, eggs and dairy products. Practitioners can therefore eat in the morning and in the evening for dinner, respecting a frugal diet, with simple foods (rice, bread etc) and small quantities.
