Åsberg: Doubtful if Biden will be the Democrats’ candidate

After Joe Biden’s performance in the televised debate against Donald Trump last week, both the White House and Biden himself have repeatedly denied that the president is considering throwing in the towel and dropping out of the election.

During Wednesday, new denials came, then a “close ally” of Biden stated New York Times that Biden is doubtful whether he can reverse the falling public opinion.

US election 2024

  • The analyst: Here are the Democrats who could take Biden’s place

  • Biden blames weak debate effort on travel

  • – The situation is extremely serious for the Democrats, says SVT’s foreign reporter Stefan Åsberg i Current.

    “First sign of campaign falling apart”

    At the same time as criticism within the party grows, the president’s campaign has been crippled by uncertainty about the future, according to Stefan Åsberg.

    Therefore, today he is doubtful whether Biden will remain as a presidential candidate in four months when it is time for elections:

    – It is an almost impossible debate for Biden to win, including whether he has the ability to lead the country. When you see this kind of rumor-mongering from the innermost rooms of the White House, it’s often the first sign that a campaign is about to collapse.
