As the weather got warmer, cases increased significantly! Expert warns: It can lead from paralysis to death!

As the weather got warmer cases increased significantly Expert warns

Bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins and chemicals carried into the human organism through food can cause food poisoning. With the effect of increasing temperatures, cases of food poisoning in the summer months increase significantly. Dietician Gültaç Dayı Çamır says that there are four types of bacteria that cause food poisoning. The first of these is “staphylococcus”, the most common type of bacteria. Stating that this bacterium appears in meat, milk, dairy products and salads made from poorly washed ingredients, Gültaç Dayı Çamır said that poisoning symptoms begin two or three hours after eating the bacterial food and a vomiting reaction is observed in the body.


Dietitian Gültaç Dayı Çamır said that another type of bacteria most commonly seen in food poisoning caused by meat, milk and salad is “shigella” and stated that the duration of symptoms in poisoning caused by this bacteria is one or two days. Gültaç Dayı Çamir says, “This bacterium is seen with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, fever, cramps, abdominal pain and blood in the stool.” One of the bacteria that causes the most serious and fatal food poisoning is “clostridium botilinum”. This bacteria can be found in canned foods, meat, vegetables and fruits. Gültaç Dayı Çamir said, “This bacteria can cause paralysis, prevent breathing and result in death.”


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Dietitian Gültaç Dayı Çamır said that, first of all, products that are not known how and where they come from, as well as products that are not known how they are preserved, that are not inspected, and that are openly sold on the counters should not be purchased, because their prices are low, and that people who will consume meat should buy meat from delicatessens that are operated in accordance with the standards. Stating that packaged products of reliable brands can also be purchased, Dietitian Gültaç Dayı said, “When buying packaged products, make sure that the package is not damaged. Be sure to get into the habit of reading labels. Check the production and expiry dates written on it. “Never consume raw milk due to diseases that can be transmitted from animals,” he said.


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Dietitian Gültaç Dayı Çamır said that the most practical method to prevent food from spoiling is to keep it in the refrigerator or freezer, and added that if cooked foods are not consumed immediately, they should be placed in the refrigerator within two hours. Gültaç Dayı Çamır said that the food that is in the refrigerator and is to be taken out for consumption should be heated above seventy degrees, adding that the same food should not be heated over and over again. Çamır said, “Do not put the food you take out of the freezer back into the freezer after it has been thawed. Avoid contact between cooked food and raw food. Pay attention to your personal hygiene. It is important for individuals preparing food to wash their hands with soap for at least two minutes to prevent food poisoning. “In addition, people with cuts or open wounds on their hands should never prepare food, and in cases of necessity, they should wrap these wounds so that they do not come into contact with food under any circumstances and use gloves.”


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Stating that people should wash their hands thoroughly, especially after preparing foods such as raw meat, eggs or poultry, Çamir said that separate chopping boards and knives should be used when preparing such risky foods and vegetables and fruits that will be consumed without cooking. Çamir continued: “Vegetables and fruits should be consumed after washing thoroughly. Make sure your food is cooked well. Foods that are not cooked for sufficient time and temperature may cause harmful bacteria to be carried into the digestive system. In case of diarrhea and vomiting, you should definitely rest and increase your fluid intake with clean water, ayran, mineral water, unsweetened tea. If you have diarrhea; “You should consume rice porridge, yoghurt, bananas, peaches and boiled potatoes.” (UAV)

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