As the rain increased, its reproduction also increased: Watch out for mushroom poisoning! You should know before consuming

As the rain increased its reproduction also increased Watch out

It was stated that due to the increase in rainfall throughout the country, there may be an increase in the proliferation of mushrooms growing in nature and in poisoning cases due to increased consumption.

Health Director Dr. Yasin Yılmaz also warned citizens against mushroom poisoning. Dr. points out that serious poisoning that can result in death can occur as a result of eating raw or cooked mushrooms that grow in natural environments and contain poison in fresh, dried or canned form. Yılmaz said, “Poisonous mushrooms grow in natural environments in our country and citizens are in great demand for these mushrooms. Mushroom poisoning is seen especially in spring and autumn, when there is abundant rainfall. It cannot be understood whether a mushroom is poisonous or not by the color, smell and taste of its flesh. “It should not be forgotten that there are also poisonous mushrooms growing in natural areas in our region,” he said.


Health Director Yılmaz stated that the symptoms of poisoning can appear within 2 to 6 hours and vary depending on the nature of the poison in the mushroom and said: “Within 2 hours after eating the mushroom, dizziness, drowsiness, low blood pressure, blurred vision, flushing on the face and neck, metal taste sensation in the mouth.” , nausea, vomiting, sweating; Six hours after eating some species, symptoms of poisoning may occur, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, palpitations, abdominal pain, liver and kidney dysfunction, and death.

Our citizens should never consume mushrooms that grow in nature, and cultivated mushrooms with bandrolls should be preferred instead of mushrooms that grow in natural areas. Since cultivated mushrooms do not contain poisonous substances, poisoning is not possible. However, due to the environment in which these mushrooms grow, some microorganisms can be found on the mushrooms. It should not be forgotten that very mild stomach and intestinal complaints may occur as a result of eating raw mushrooms contaminated with this microorganism. “In addition, when buying mushrooms, packaged mushrooms should be preferred and attention should be paid to whether the packaging contains labels containing information to inform the consumer.”


In his statement, Health Director Yasin Yılmaz stated that the National Poison Information Center provides 24/7 uninterrupted service regarding poisoning and that citizens who want to get information when needed can call the National Poison Information Center at 114. (UAV)

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