As lovely as ever, Louane shows us how to wear polar blonde this summer

As lovely as ever Louane shows us how to wear

A few weeks before the start of summer, Louane let herself be tempted by a new color and her subscribers are won over by the result!

Although most of us tend to opt for softer colors when the warm weather arrives, some stars change their hair color whenever they want. The proof with the new shade of blonde adopted by the beautiful Louane.

Louane falls for polar blonde

In the new Instagram photo posted by Louane, her hair color does not go unnoticed. In the program ? A platinum blonde with much darker roots. The singer has indeed bleached her hair and adorned its lengths with a nice lightening and she has retained her long square, a little blurry and wavy, which has become his signature. A somewhat daring hair look for the season. This cold coloring still enhances her diaphanous complexion while bringing out her azure eyes. And the comments published under the photo of the 27-year-old star are all unanimous: “Wow“, “It’s very strong“, “Beautiful, as always“, “Amazing” we can read.

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Louane’s glowy makeup

On the makeup side, the emphasis was placed on the complexion with a subtle but captivating glow, highlighted by the ray of sunlight which hits the face of little Esmée’s mother. Thus, points of light were placed on the tip of the nose, the chin and the top of the cheekbones in order to highlight them.

Her look, for its part, is enhanced by iridescent taupe eye shadow, slightly smoky black pencil, a thin layer of mascara and barely worked eyebrows. Finally, a slightly glossy nude lipstick in pink tones, matched to her blush, finishes off the luminous makeup worn wonderfully by Louane.
