As incredible as it may seem, it is possible to buy spells of all kinds on a famous online store. Whether it is to bring back your ex, win the lottery or cast a spell, everything is possible!

As incredible as it may seem it is possible to

As incredible as it may seem, it is possible to buy spells of all kinds on a famous online store. Whether it is to bring back your ex, win the lottery or cast a spell, everything is possible!

Whether on social media, in bookstores or in TV series, for a few years now, witches have been popular. To the point of becoming a real business. Do you want to find true love, see your career take off, punish your sworn enemy or achieve better sexual performances? It’s possible thanks to the magic of the Internet! Indeed, it is possible to get spells for just about anything in two or three clicks, for amounts ranging from a few euros to more than a hundred euros. As described in a Forbes magazine investigationwizards and witches are now real entrepreneurs! “This is devilry!”as Jacquouille the rascal would say!

To easily get all these joys, just go through Etsy, the famous online store of independent creators. Initially, the platform allows you to buy or sell handmade items (works of art, personalized objects, jewelry, etc.) as well as vintage objects and clothing. But you can also find spells and charms of all kinds, whether it’s oil to cure depression, a magic formula to attract luck or training to awaken the witch in you. Even enough to satisfy much darker designs…

Indeed, by increasing the prices by a few hundred euros, it is possible to dabble in black magic… LightbringerLucifer, for example, sells from 150 euros – the store speaks of “sacrificial amount” – , A “powerful spell of domination and vengeance” : “Stronger than my Obsession Ritual, this magical spell aims to crush your target’s will, putting them under your heel. […] I will invoke none other than the light bearer Lucifer himself to oversee the work of my relationship specialists and strengthen their unholy power.” For its part, Estonian Witch offers a “powerful dark love spell” by calling upon Beleth, the demon “expert in the manipulation of love and lust”. Just that!

Yet, Etsy does indeed prohibit the sale of “metaphysical services” since 2015: “Any metaphysical service that promises or suggests physical change (weight loss, for example) or any other result (love, revenge, etc.) is not permitted, even if a tangible object is provided.”. This clearly does not prevent the sale of spells and magic formulas from thriving on the platform. There are thousands of such ads, which are interconnected with each other, through a recommendation algorithm. Some virtual stores have thousands of positive reviews.

The problem is that there is obviously no scientific proof of this kind of practice. This leaves customers exposed to possible disappointment, especially when they are hoping for the return of their loved one, a miraculous cure for their cancer, or a miraculous windfall. To protect themselves, most witches on Etsy have added a disclaimer stating that their spells are offered to “entertainment purposes” only. In case of no results, sellers rarely offer refunds.

One might object that it seems complicated to filter the online postings made by “witch-entrepreneurs”. However, Etsy’s competitors seem to be doing much better than the platform. Indeed, Ebay, which banned the sale of spells in 2012, prohibits listings that cannot result in a confirmation of receipt and, above all, manages to enforce its rules for the most part. At Amazon, no spell listings are available on the platform. It would therefore seem that it is simply a question of will…
