As Casemiro as Casemiro –

As Casemiro as Casemiro AScom

As summer approaches, clubs dust off their schedules. Plan ahead to avoid unnecessary stress during the market dance. One of the great entertainers is usually Real Madrid and in 2022 it will be no different. Not only because of Mbappé and Haaland, but because of peripheral operations that depend, in part, on the two main ones. One of them is the potential signing of Aurélien Tchouaméni, a ‘real’ option, as Camavinga was in his day, who appears as a future substitute for Casemiro. The Brazilian is unique, at least in the white squad, because nobody shares football characteristics with him. Something that, if the young Monaco midfielder landed, would be solved. And it is that, Tchouaméni is almost as Casemiro as Casemiro himself.

Without Case, Ancelotti has had to improvise. Neither Kroos, nor Valverde, nor Camavinga himself are fives to use. The 22-year-old French international is. His cover letter says so: powerful pivot (he is 1.87 meters tall) who has earned a master’s degree in recover balls (the most in Europe). But he also has AI on his side, especially if the task is to replace the Sao Jose dos Campos. Olocipa company specializing in Artificial Intelligence applied to football, discovers that the footballer most similar to the madridista ’14’ is, curiously, the jewel born in Rouen, with a 92% similarity.

Photo by Casemiro

the AI not only quantifies actions, but values ​​them according to their quality, adding a value depending on whether it helps to score or avoid a goal, the real end of the game. Stealing a ball in the opponent’s area does not have the same value as doing it in midfield with the opposing team well placed and retracted. That is the qualitative difference versus the quantitative one. That is where our protagonist stands out, who also stands out as the defensive midfielder whose actions have generated the most value in all of Ligue 1, with +6.94.

Shield/Flag Real Madrid

Captain General in Monaco

Tchouaméni is the best in the French league when it comes to generating with his passes and he also stands out in non-air offensive duels and without change of possession, where he is the second and third, respectively, of the entire competition. His incidence in the Monaco makes him lead several categories, some of which show that he is not only a destroyer, but that he can help in creative tasks efficiently. First in through passes, total passes, passes prior to assistance or game construction, in addition to other aspects that are presupposed, such as successful defensive duels or aerial duels, while third in interceptionsthe latter characteristics that greatly enhance the comparison with Casemiro.

The Brazilian leads Madrid in offensive duels without change of possession, passes prior to assistance and passes into the gap, being second in aerial duels, successful defensive duels or interceptions. The skills book of both, with Artificial Intelligence as support, shows that if the white team decides to pull the trigger for Tchouaméni (the player wants to come and it is the club that has the ball on their court), they would be incorporating the most Similar to Casemiro. From not having a replacement, to having a double.
