As AIs like ChatGPT keep getting better, thousands of people lost their jobs last month

Many people fear that AI like ChatGPT will take away their jobs. Now a report says that in May 2023 many people lost their jobs because of AI. MeinMMO breaks down what it’s all about.

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Where is the report from? The company Challenger, Gray & Christmas is a so-called outplace company. Outplacement refers to advice on professional reorientation. If a company lays off many employees, a so-called outplace company will help the dismissed people.

Each month, Challenger, Gray & Christmas collects data on how many people have been laid off and breaks down the reasons behind them. In the current report from May 2023, AI also played a major role.

For 3,900 jobs, AI is given as the reason for termination

How do the numbers look in concrete terms? The published report states that as of May 2023 around 80,000 have been laid off. Compared to April, that should be 20% more. Of those layoffs, 3,900 (roughly 5%) were related to artificial intelligence. This puts AI in the 7th position that employers gave as a reason.

In the tech field, there are always reports that people are being fired because of AI (via

  • The Washington Post reported on two copywriters who lost their livelihoods because their employers decided ChatGPT could do the job cheaper.
  • Media outlets like CNET have already fired reporters for using AI to write articles that later had to be corrected for plagiarism.
  • A counseling center for eating disorders used a chatbot to replace human workers who had unionized. After the bot gave people problematic tips, you had to turn it off.
  • Others explain that they pay their employees for the ChatGPT subscription and therefore have to hire fewer people.
  • Such numbers and reports fuel the fears of those who are afraid and concerned about developments in the AI ​​field. Some already fear the death of art through AI works or see their job in danger.

    Are there secure jobs? The head of ChatGPT recently revealed which professions an AI cannot replace. In total, he came up with 34 professions that are safe from artificial intelligence. In addition to bus drivers and hairdressers, there are also a few other lesser-known jobs:

    The inventor of the AI ​​ChatGPT reveals which 34 professions an AI can never replace
