Destiny 2 has given its Guardians a handy loadout system for their builds. Since Season 22, however, access to it is no longer possible. Not even if you have reached the necessary Guardian rank. MyMMO tells you why.
This article was last updated on August 25, 2023 with an update from Bungie.
Which system has now been blocked? A new loadout system for builds was introduced to Destiny 2 in February 2023 with the “Lightfall” DLC. And once this system was in play, nobody wanted to be without it.
In each new season, however, this system is not immediately fully available. You must first increase your Guardian Rank to regain access to the full 10 slots.
However, this is not possible in Season 22 either, because Bungie had to send its guardians back to the “Stone Age” due to a problem with the loadout function. MeinMMO tells you what’s going on and how you can help yourself.
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Loadout slots made game-changing bug
This was the reason for the deactivation: As Bungie announced shortly before the start of the new Season 22, on August 22nd, the loadout function was disabled due to an issue in Destiny 2.
Due to an issue, we have temporarily disabled the Loadouts feature. This shows up in-game as loadouts locked behind custodian ranks. Any existing loadouts will be saved and will be available to all players who have already unlocked them once a fix can be deployed.
Bungie announced via Twitter
In the meantime, a message has also been written in the game itself, which informed about the blocking:
The exact reason for the blocking is not clear from the report.
However, it was a groundbreaking bug that allowed players to crash entire lobbies in their loadouts with just a few clicks. So some ornaments are supposed to be the reason for this error.
So it’s not up to you that you can’t currently use or unlock your loadouts. Even if you already have the required Guardian Rank to use these, all Guardians cannot use their gear until Bungie reactivates it.
YouTuber Cheese Forever demonstrated exactly how this glitch worked in a video on August 21. A day later, Bungie responded and blocked the loadouts for all custodians until they could provide a solution to the problem.
There are these alternatives: The best way to get help right now is to use the third-party app “Destiny Item Manager”. It also offers a loadout feature that still works now.
When will the Loadout slots feature be available again? This is currently not foreseeable. However, Bungie has published an update and given a time frame for the fix, which will have limitations.
A temporary fix to re-enabling loadouts is scheduled to be released next week. This temporary workaround won’t retrieve any items from your vault. A permanent fix is currently being tested and is scheduled to go live in a future release.
Bungie Help via Twitter
The solution is not ideal. But it’s better than not having access to Loadouts at all, especially as the race for Worlds First in the free Crota Legacy Raid draws near.
We will keep you informed and update this article once the bug is fixed and you can fully access your loadouts again.
Does it bother you that the loadout slots are currently still locked? Or don’t you miss them at all because you only play Destiny 2 as a build, so you don’t have to save anything? Tell us in the comments.
You can read about what else has changed in the new Season 22 here:
12 updates players can expect in Destiny 2 Season 22