Artificial intelligence technology in recruitment from Vodafone

Artificial intelligence technology in recruitment from Vodafone

not long ago OMIX brand phones offering for sale VodafoneThis time, it started to benefit from artificial intelligence technology in the recruitment process. From global workforce technology platforms Eightfold Collaborating with Vodafone, Vodafone provides a fairer evaluation environment by sharing résumés with managers on this platform.

This developed system is implemented in all Vodafone countries. In the system, only the initials of the names and surnames of the candidates are included; Blind CVs that do not contain information such as age, gender, university that may cause prejudice are used. In this way, it is possible for candidates to be evaluated on more equal terms, only based on their experience and competencies. With Eightfold, companies can get maximum efficiency from their workforce by directing each employee in the context of promotion or new role.


Nazlı Tlabar Güler, Vice President of Vodafone Turkey Executive Board, said:

“The use of artificial intelligence in the field of Human Resources is becoming widespread. This technology not only supports the work done in the field of diversity and equality, but also improves the quality of recruitment by positively affecting the experience of both the candidate and the employer. As Vodafone, we work with Eightfold, a global talent management, recruitment and development platform powered by artificial intelligence. In order for the candidates to be evaluated under more fair and equal conditions, we send confidential resumes to our managers through this platform. In this way, we avoid potential biases and ensure that candidates are only evaluated based on their experience and abilities.”
