‘artificial intelligence’ session at the UN Security Council! “It can profoundly affect global peace and security”

The United Nations (UN) Security Council met for the first time to address the effects of artificial intelligence on international peace and security.

The session, held at the UN building in New York, was chaired by British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres reminded that he warned at the UN General Assembly 6 years ago that artificial intelligence will affect all areas of sustainable development, business life and society, “However, I am surprised and impressed by the newest form of artificial intelligence like everyone else. Its speed and innovations have never been seen before.” made its assessment.

Guterres pointed out that from time to time artificial intelligence was compared with the emergence of the printing press, “While it took 50 years for printed books to become widespread in Europe, it took only two months for ChatGPT to reach 100 million users.” said.

Guterres, who stated that almost every country, company and organization around the world is working on artificial intelligence, said that some designers do not know exactly what the technology they are working on will reveal.


“It’s clear that artificial intelligence will impact every aspect of our lives,” Guterres said. He warned that in addition to the positive effects, negative effects such as discrimination, disinformation and increased authoritarian control may also occur.

Calling the UN Security Council to approach this issue with a “sense of urgency, global perspective and learning mindset”, Guterres pointed out that if artificial intelligence is used for terrorism and crime, the destruction would be enormous.

Guterres stated that the cyberattacks carried out by artificial intelligence are already causing great damage and “Military and non-military uses of AI can profoundly affect global peace and security.” he said.

Noting that countries make different proposals for the management of artificial intelligence, Guterres said that a “universal” approach is needed.


Guterres continued:

“For this reason, I welcome the proposals of member states to establish a UN agency to ensure the management of this extraordinary technology. A model such as the International Atomic Energy Agency can be taken as an example. The main objective of this organization is to increase the benefits of artificial intelligence and to increase the benefits of artificial intelligence by establishing internationally approved supervision and management mechanisms.” will help them reduce their risks.”

Noting that a new UN agency can present the information and experiences it has gathered to the international community, Guterres stated that it can also increase cooperation in research and development in the field of artificial intelligence.

Antonio Guterres added that he will set up a multilateral high-level advisory board that will report in the field of artificial intelligence.


James Clark, co-founder of the company Anthropic, which is at the forefront of artificial intelligence innovation, also drew attention to the fact that the development of artificial intelligence should not be left to the private sector.

“States should come together and contribute to the development of artificial intelligence systems,” Clark said. said.

Pointing out that some systems were developed with good intentions, but they were discovered to be misused, Clark pointed out that this could lead to “chaotic and unpredictable” behaviors.

Clark stated that the building of reliable evaluation systems is of key importance, so that states can hold companies accountable and companies can build trust.

Yi Zeng from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Automation Institute underlined that technology should support global sustainable development.

“Artificial intelligence should promote international peace, not introduce new security problems,” Zeng said. he said.


British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly also stressed that the meeting held today is “historic”.

Noting that artificial intelligence technology is advancing very quickly, Cleverly stated that it is not possible to fully understand the change it will cause.

Minister Cleverly said that artificial intelligence will affect life completely, “The reason we are gathered here today is that artificial intelligence will also affect the functioning of this Council.” said.

“Artificial intelligence can improve or destroy global strategic stability.” Cleverly said that artificial intelligence deeply shakes the basic known about defense and deterrence.

“We urgently need to shape the government’s management of transformative technologies. Artificial intelligence knows no bounds,” Cleverly said. he finished. (AA)
