Artificial intelligence: Europe, China and the USA sign an agreement on risks

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(Finance) – Share understanding of the risks associated with advanced artificial intelligence, committing to ensure safe development and implementation of this technology. This is the objective of “Bletchley Statement on AI” signed yesterday by the European Union and 28 other nations – including the United Kingdom, the United States, China, Brazil, India, Nigeria and Saudi Arabia – on the occasion of the artificial intelligence summit (AI – Safety Summit), first major international conference on the topic organized by the British government to define a common vision to be adopted over the next five years, addressing the priorities linked to the potential and risks of this technology. The venue of the summit is Bletchley Park, the estate about 80 km from London where, during the Second World War, the famous mathematician Alan Turing and his group of researchers managed to decipher the “Enigma” code used by the Nazis, thus contributing to the war successes of the Allies.

There “Bletchley Statement on AI” – said the British Government – ​​achieves the main objectives of the summit: to establish shared agreement and mutual responsibility regarding the risks, opportunities and future process for international collaboration on AI security and research, with particular emphasis on scientific collaboration. Countries that have signed up to the agreement recognize that there are significant risks related to the possible intentional misuse of AI. Among the concerns raised are issues related to cybersecurity, biotechnology, misinformation, bias and privacy risks. The statement highlights the “potential for serious, even catastrophic harm, both deliberate and unintentional, arising from the most relevant capabilities” of AI models. For this reason, the nations involved have committed to promoting transparency and accountability among developers of advanced AI, particularly regarding the measurement, monitoring and mitigation of malicious capabilities.

“To govern the phenomenon of AI – declared the Minister of Business and Made in Italy Adolfo Urso – it is necessary to provide, as US President Biden has done and as is happening in the EU, binding regulations on complex systems that ensure adequate preventive analysis of risks and possible mitigation activities, the identification of the responsibilities of the actors involved, the respect for intellectual property and privacy. We must seek the right balance between innovation and development, on the one hand, and security, ethics and respect for human rights on the other. Artificial intelligence as an exponential multiplier of natural intelligence must place the person and their sphere of values ​​at the center, according to an anthropocentric vision.”

“It’s important,” he said Ursus in his speech at the AI ​​Safety Summit – also the decision of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to establish an Institute for AI safety”. In this vein, the minister further said, “Italy in the role of president of the G7 2024 will propose a leap in quality following what the Japanese presidency has already proposed with the Hiroshima Al Process to configure support for innovation with the needs of safety”. For Urso, the approval last Monday of the code of conduct and guiding principles for developers “It’s a step in the right direction.” At the same time, according to the minister, “international cooperation in the regulation of AI is increasingly fundamental to avoid regulatory fragmentation that could hinder innovation”. After the recent trilateral agreement between Italy, Germany and France, the Minister of Business and Made in Italy noted, the Bletchey Park event marks “the beginning of a process of involvement of other continents to achieve what we hope for : a new global alliance, as for the climate, on the rules and protections to be adopted in response to the challenge of artificial intelligence”.

The British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called the agreement a milestone, underlining how “the world’s major powers recognize the urgency of understanding the risks associated with AI.”

Today, for the second day of the AI ​​Safety Summit, the speech is expected at Bletchley Park president of the board Giorgia Meloni That has put Artificial Intelligence at the center of the agenda of the Italian G7 and in London will reiterate the need to give ethics to algorithms, through global governance mechanisms.

Among extensive security measures, some innovative tycoons from Silicon Valley such as Sam Altman, considered the father of ChatGpt, or Elon Musk, who will have a conversation with Sunak live on X at the end.
