The penetration of digitalization and artificial intelligence into life has paved the way for some changes and innovations in universities, as in many fields. In this context artificial intelligence department in universities It was decided to open. Undergraduate and associate degree departments will be opened in the fields of artificial intelligence, big data and digitalization. YÖK President Prof. Dr. According to the statement made by Erol Özvar, 5 undergraduate and 12 associate degree departments will be added to universities.
Artificial Intelligence Department is Opening in Universities!
The field of artificial intelligence needs new individuals who are professionals and specialized in this subject. Higher Education Institution (YÖK) took action. As a result of the need for professionals in fields such as artificial intelligence and big data, “Working Group on Determining Artificial Intelligence Based Programs” was established. The group in question examined the departments and programs in relevant fields of important universities abroad and expressed their opinions on which departments could be opened in universities in our country.
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It was held at Yıldız Technical University under the chairmanship of Erol Özvar. Artificial Intelligence, Digitalization and Big Data Meeting Within the scope of the decision, decisions regarding the said sections were taken and announced to the public. Özvar, 2 of which will be opened for the first time, in total 5 licenses And associate degree at 12 announced that the department will be added to the universities of our country.

Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar At the meeting in question, he talked about the necessity of training qualified professionals in the fields of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence solutions, big data and digitalization. In this regard, Özvar announced that undergraduate and associate degree programs will be opened in universities and underlined that necessary research, including abroad, was carried out when determining the programs. Erol Özvar also stated that the number of undergraduate and associate degree departments will be increased in the future.
He declared that the Software Development, Information Security Technology and Information Systems and Technologies departments, which are currently available in state and foundation universities, will be opened in more universities and that in addition to these programs, two new departments will be added to universities. Özvar, two new projects will be opened undergraduate department whereas “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” And “Data Science and Analytics” said that.
Universities to Open Artificial Intelligence Departments
President of the Council of Higher Education Erol Özvar artificial intelligence He also announced which universities the department will be opened to. The list of universities that will offer artificial intelligence programs is as follows:

- Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University
- Ataturk University
- Bursa Technical University
- Aegean University
- Eskisehir Technical University
- Gaziantep University
- Harran University
- Karabuk University
- Karadeniz Technical University
- Kayseri University
- University of Kocaeli
- Konya Technical University
- Manisa Celal Bayar University
- Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University
- Ondokuz Mayıs University
- Sakarya University
- Sakarya University of Applied Sciences
- Sivas Cumhuriyet University
- University of Trakya
- Yıldız Technical University
Artificial Intelligence Associate Degree Departments
Determined as a result of various studies, in the field of AI Associate degree programs that will train qualified people can be listed as follows. The programs in question were also announced by the President of YÖK. The said 12 associate degree programs is as follows:
- Artificial Intelligence Operator
- Big Data Analyst
- Autonomous Systems Technician
- Digital Conversion Electronics
- Robotics And Artificial Intelligence
- Game Development and Programming
- Cloud Computing Operator
- Manufacturing Execution Systems
- Enterprise IT Expertise
- Unmanned Vehicle Technician
- Front-End Software Development
- Back-End Software Development
Students will be able to take lessons from different university lecturers
YÖK President Erol Özvar According to the statement made by A.Ş., it was stated that within the scope of associate degree artificial intelligence departments, the courses in the program will be given by lecturers who add value to the major universities of our country. It was also announced that the courses will be held online and synchronously. Providing the education as mentioned will also pave the way for students to take lessons from a different university lecturer.

In the description artificial intelligence industry representatives Stating that they will also contribute to the program, Erol Özvar stated that they aim to get maximum efficiency from the programs in question. Stating that they attach great importance to providing quality education in newly opened programs, Özvar said that they will achieve quality education with the contributions of both sector representatives and expert teachers in their fields.