Artificial intelligence-based Google search image generation system wins

1697234905 Artificial intelligence based Google search image generation system wins

Internet giant Google is actively testing to bring news and more to its homepage, where it all starts. started.

Currently, when we open Google’s home page on the desktop, we see nothing but the main search bar and two buttons. A big gap emerges. According to newly revealed tests, the company is trying to fill some of these empty spaces. It runs desktop-centric tests. For example, the interface above is currently being tested, here under the search bar Google News It is seen that the news, weather forecast, stock market information and match results are included. This step, which will be taken for desktop after mobile, looks good in general, but Nowadays, most people don’t visit Google’s homepage to start a search.. Most of us now start the search by typing directly into the search bar. Meanwhile, Google is based on artificial intelligence Google search Work on its infrastructure continues actively. If you don’t know, the company wants to bring productive artificial intelligence directly to the search results and has been doing this for a long time.Search Generative Experience (SGE)under the name ” Labs Centered tests are carried out.


Behind these tests, instead of the site giving some results to the search terms as it does now, Generating effective answers through productive artificial intelligence. This useful infrastructure produces detailed answers to people about the topics they are looking for and provides information here. In addition to what is published on the websites, help is taken from specially trained large language models.. The system adds sources to the information it receives from websites and even generates possible follow-up questions for people.

This system will now be written directly into the search section. It can produce beautiful looking visuals from text commands. Here midjourney or DALL-E A similar experience can be achieved, the system is currently only activated in the USA and in English. Meanwhile “SGE” to the infrastructure Long articles can also be prepared on certain topics, The created content can be sent directly to Google Docs or Gmail as a draft.
