Artificial intelligence-based Google search also gets ads

Trials continue for artificial intelligence based Google search results

Advertisements are also coming to the artificial intelligence-based Google search infrastructure.
Of course, the company wants to make money from this side as well.

Google, which controls the visible face of the internet, wants to bring productive artificial intelligence directly to the search results and has been doing this for a long time.Search Generative Experience (SGE)under the name ” Labs Centered tests are carried out. Behind these tests, instead of the site giving some results to the search terms as it does now, Generating effective answers through productive artificial intelligence. This useful infrastructure produces detailed answers to people about the topics they are looking for and provides information here. In addition to what is published on the websites, help is received from specially trained large language models.. The system adds sources to the information it receives from websites and even generates possible follow-up questions for people. There were some financial plans that brought this system to the agenda a long time ago. At that time, it was said that Google did not want to leave the SGE infrastructure completely free. Due to the server costs here, the company may not use the SGE system or certain features of the system. It was stated that it may be paid for in the future, The company will not sell individually here and some features are paid. Gemini Advanced or Google One It was claimed that they would take it under subscription. Today, it was officially announced that ads will also come to the artificial intelligence-based Google search infrastructure. It was reported that the first step in this regard will be taken based in the USA.


In this regard, the company has been producing artificial intelligence-generated results for some US users for a while, even if they did not choose them of their own will. This new era is good for users but bad for site owners (because the site owner cannot attract traffic due to this infrastructure). These days, it is being put into wide use based in the USA and is now called AI Summaries.
