Artificial intelligence at school, ANIEF: “Good, but that’s not enough: we need a technical table”

Anief Pacifico without measures even the 150 million allocated yesterday

(Finance) – Today the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara has announced a plan to reduce the bureaucratic burden of teachers thanks to the use of artificial intelligence: the burden of bureaucracy, he recalled, generates stress and disaffection with the profession and for this reason it was designed “a plan to simplify and de-bureaucratize the school intended to make life easier for families and school staff”.

On a practical level, said Minister Valditara, “seeWe want more professorships to be filled right away at the beginning of the school year and we think we can do it with a sort of re-engineering of the main processes functional to the regular start of the school year, therefore speeding up the procedures for assigning teachers, achieving a more efficient and homogeneous management of procedures throughout the territory nationwide, to encourage greater transparency in assignments and therefore, thanks once again to artificial intelligence, we count on having more professorships filled at the beginning of the school year”.

“Then there is the issue of making life easier for teachers. Today teachers often have to fill in and feel like bureaucrats. We basically want to abolish the paper, abolish the documentation that teachers have to fill out, simplify and automate the activity of career reconstruction and therefore they will no longer have to produce documentation but the administration will take care of it directly. And also with regard to the exchange and sharing of documentation between schools which must be exclusively electronic and standardize and speed up the collection and management of information”, concluded the minister.

On administrative simplification, Anief recently expressed his position to the Ministry of Education and Merit: the union – explains the note – it is also favorable with the lightening of the bureaucracy which today comes to jeopardize the work of the teachers and their didactic action. In this regard, the establishment of a technical table for school simplification was requested: the aim would be to make recruitment procedures less cumbersome. Provided that the restoration of the dual channel is achieved, the use of the rankings of all the competitions including the extraordinary encore and the confirmation of the stabilized positions with reserve: all provisions that could be adopted as early as next year if the Parliament said yes to the Anief amendments to the PA-Pnrr decree 44/2023 today under discussion in the House commissions. Furthermore, the creation of a single digital employee file is essential.

Second Marcellus Pacificus, president of the young union, these interventions will have to “also affect the administrative activity of the secretariats, starting from the management of absences, but also the reconstruction of a career, leave and all those procedures that involve very long times both for bureaucratic and technical reasons”. There is also the need to speed up the payment of short substitutes, “whose long delays are unbearable – declares Daniela Rosano, general secretary of Anief – and also on this front the action of simplification must operate as soon as possible, it is unacceptable that there are still months of delays in the payment of many precarious teachers and Ata ”.
