artificial intelligence as natural as a human

artificial intelligence as natural as a human

With ChatGPT, OpenIA offers an artificial intelligence capable of producing texts, answers and complex conversations with as much naturalness as a human being. A tool that could seriously compete with Google.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is constantly pushing the limits of the possible! Developers are looking to develop high-performance chatbots that can learn loads of information, have a fluent conversation and mimic natural human interactions. This is called Conversational Artificial Intelligence. If Google had already wowed the gallery with LaMDA, to the point that one of the researchers ended up being persuaded that the AI ​​had a conscience, it is the turn of ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) to ignite the Internet. Artificial intelligence, developed by OpenIA – which is far from being a novice in this field, as evidenced by its DALL-E image generator – would be able to write in a few seconds a valid text that a human being would take hours. to write, answer complex questions, admit mistakes, engage in debates and even refuse to answer requests deemed incorrect, all in a natural way, as the company explains. in a press release. Entering a test phase on Wednesday, November 30, ChatGPT is experiencing dazzling success and already exceeds one million users!

ChatGPT: an AI capable of creating instead of humans?

To develop ChatGPT, the OpenIA teams used “reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF),” They used a vast corpus of texts – newspaper articles, novels, film scripts, online conversations… – to teach him to understand the context of a conversation in order to give relevant and coherent answers. As a result, the AI ​​masters a wide range of topics and language styles – it can even compose poems and remember things previously said in the discussion! In addition, it is constantly evolving, which means that, thanks to its continuous learning, it will continue to improve and become even more efficient. Several users have been able to test it and have been amazed by the results: a poker champion gave her a complex mathematical problem to solve, while a start-up manager had her spot and correct errors in a code. When an Internet user asked him if he did not feel trapped as an AI, ChatGPT replied that he had no conscience or the ability to self-manage, that the concept of freedom is not s didn’t apply to him and that as a language model he couldn’t feel emotions. At least it has the merit of being clear.

ChatGPT could be very useful in many areas, such as programming, but also for content production, whether for social networks, websites, scripts for films, series or advertising, and why not the journalist – that raises the question of the usefulness of human beings in the future! Some even see it as a potential competitor to Google! OpenAI CEO Sam Altman told The Guardian that the system was “a first demonstration of what is possible”. “Soon you will be able to have helpful assistants who talk to you, answer questions and give advice. Later you may have something that will go and do tasks for you. Eventually you may have something that goes discovering new knowledge for you.” In the days since its release, academics have been having fun generating answers to exam questions – enough to earn excellent grades – and programmers have used the tool to solve coding problems in programming languages. obscure programming in seconds.

Inevitably, in front of so many prowess, one can only wonder if ChatGPT could not one day “take” the place of humans? Could professions dependent on content production become obsolete? Rest assured, the AI ​​is not yet fully developed. Already, she lacks critical thinking, nuance and the ability to make ethical decisions according to experts. Moreover, her knowledge is currently limited to 2021. And, of course, she can also be wrong and give wrong answers – which ChatGPT gladly admits. A problem that the company struggles to solve because there is no source of truth in the data used to train the model and the supervised training may also be miscalibrated “because the ideal answer depends on what the model knows, rather than what the human demonstrator knows”. In the meantime, it is possible to test ChatGPT by registering. But you have to be patient because the service has been overwhelmed since its launch…
