Artificial intelligence and ‘digital twins’ for the infrastructural development of territories

Immersive technologies could have an impact on the Italian economy

(Finance) – The use of digital twins and of theartificial intelligence has now become decisive for it infrastructural development of the territories. Verifying the entire life cycle of a structure and the stresses it receives through a virtual model of a physical object (see bridges, roads, aqueducts, railway lines, buildings) gives an enormous advantage to the public client (but also to the companies receiving orders public) in planning infrastructural interventions. The prospects, even in the short term, of these now fundamental digital innovations have been at the center of the Conference organized by Esri Italiain collaboration with Assinter, took place at Chamber of Deputies. Among the many personalities who attended, in addition to Dean Angelides, Corporate Director of Esri Inc., the CEO of Esri Italia, Emilio Misuriello, Mario Nobile general director of AgiD, Agency for Digital Italy, implementing body of the PNRR resources for the digital transition; Giampiero Strisciuglio, CEO of RFI-Italian Railway Network; Pietro Pacini president of Assinter Italia.

“The digital twin – he said the CEO of Esri Italia, Emilio Misurielloduring the conference – is now becoming a tool that can be put into the hands of public administration to govern the territory and have a superior intelligence than there has been up to now. It is obvious that this is an integration given both by the acquisition of data, which must be three-dimensional in order to create a true digital twin, and by the artificial intelligence part, which also manages to give us the predictive part of the model. A fundamental innovation compared to the technologies proposed to date. The public administration has a great challenge that it must know how to face” concluded the CEO of Esri Italia on this point.

Station land – he said the CEO of RFI, Gianpiero Strisciuglio speaking at the conference organized by Esri Italia – is an advanced tool with which the company aims to improve the infrastructure development planning processtherefore the quality and reliability of the service itself. We have invested in this process, and we have a significant number of people in the company who not only use it in their way of working but also a large number of people who deal with the development of the performance of this tool. For us it is the key to progress in the planning and management of infrastructures” underlined the CEO of RFI.

The use of digital twins “would represent an advantage for everyone. For citizens and for businesses. These models – said the director of the Agency for Digital Italy, Mario Nobile – they allow you to thoroughly operate not only a single element, such as a bridge or a road or a building, but all the elements connected to it. All networks, whether water or electricity, have interactions with each other. It is possible to do this and we have done it in various situations, such as the new bridge in Genoa after the tragedy of the collapse of the Morandi Bridge. What needs to be encouraged is the propensity to exchange data which, often due to jealousy or fear, is not put into practice by all the actors” concluded the Director of the Agency for Digital Italy on the point.

“Talking about artificial intelligence and digital twins, right now I think it’s a great opportunity – said the president of Assinter Italia, Pietro Pacini – through artificial intelligence we could very quickly change the relationship with citizens, the efficiency of public administration and create development models also for SMEs. These reflections, in which companies and institutions participate, represent a fundamental moment towards those solutions that will accompany the country in the coming years” concluded the President of Assinter Italia.
