Arthur Teboul pours out his minute poems

We all have a whisper in our head all the time. What’s hard is accepting it, hearing it, then writing it down. »

Band Lyrics Writer Fire! Chatterton, Arthur Teboul came to music through literature. Between each writing of albums, the singer got into the habit of composing what he calls minute poems, during “pouring” or automatic writing sessions. Inspired by surrealist automatic poems, the poet writes daily, offering stories tinged sometimes with humor, sometimes with daily life, sometimes with romanticism or a dose of disconcerting imagination. In his collection, these are short texts whose ideas and emotions would be the protagonists, rich in inventions, full of mystery, liveliness and beauty…

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To accompany the release of his book, Arthur Teboul continues this experience during happenings where each tête-à-tête gives rise to the writing of a unique poem. NOTour reporter Charlie Dupiot went to meet him, a stone’s throw from Place de la République, in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris. On site, Laëtitia, 19, came from Switzerland with her sister especially for this meeting. She opens the envelope she holds in her hand to read us his poem.

At the FORMA gallery in Paris, Arthur Teboul offers a literary performance, inspired by his surrealist elders, where he delivers his "minute poems".
