“Art Press”: a contemporary art magazine in the digital age

Art Press a contemporary art magazine in the digital age

Digital-related innovations are becoming a veritable goldmine for some artists. Some media talk about it better than others, such as the leading contemporary art magazine: ArtPress.

The story ofArtPress began in 1972. Like many other art magazines, this monthly dedicated to contemporary creation has opted for glossy paper. On this quality support, we can try to best capture the emotion of the artist, in all its colors and contrasts. When the Internet arrived, Art Press transposed part of its editorial production to the web and wanted to highlight the digital arts.

To mark the occasion for its 50 years of existence but also to show that the magazine lives with the times, Art Press organized an event in mid-January in Paris, at the Center Pompidou. Caroline Renaux and Séverine Peyron dit Thouard went there to The media workshop. In particular, they extended their microphone to Catherine Millet And Aurelie Cavanna.

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