Arrival in Nouméa of the longest projection of French Air Force assets

Arrival in Noumea of the longest projection of French Air

Showing that the Indo-Pacific space is a priority for France: this is one of the objectives of the Pegase 2022/Henri Brown mission currently being carried out by the French army. First stage, Nouméa, where three Rafales planes landed this Saturday, August 13, at the end of a totally unprecedented deployment operation.

With our correspondent in Noumea, Charlotte Manney

Less than 72 flight hours to cover the longest distance ever traveled by Rafales on mission. The operation mobilized 270 soldiers and despite a forced 24-hour stopover in Australia, the result gives a smile to the commander of the detachment, General Stéphane Groën:

What allows us to demonstrate this power projection is the formidable efficiency of the trio of A330 MRTT tankers, the Rafale and the A400M, which allows us to deploy anywhere on the globe within very tight deadlines and at unpublished. »

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Hardly arrived, the air detachment carried out a first exercise. Objective to demonstrate that the French army can deploy quickly, far, but also be immediately operational.

And choosing the Pacific for this demonstration is not trivial. General Valéry Putz, commander of the armed forces of New Caledonia, explains the issues: “ Our main missions are first of all to defend the territory and the population. But the other main mission of the armed forces is to contribute to regional stability. In the South Pacific, there is an extension of Chinese influence and the French army, by cooperating with partner armies, is contributing to the stability sought. »

The resources available to France in the Pacific will also be reinforced. From this year, the Patrouilleurs de la Marine will begin to be renewed. Air resources will also be modernized with the replacement of the 5 Falcon Guardians, stationed in the region, by more modern aircraft.

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