arrests, injured fires… Latest assessment and strong images

arrests injured fires Latest assessment and strong images

France has been affected for several days by a wave of riots. Many arrests, degradations and injuries are counted daily. The last report.

Since June 27, 2023, France has been facing a wave of riots all over the territory, following the death of Nahel, killed by a police officer during a check in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine). A case that aroused a wave of emotion, fear, but also anger, in particular because of the broadcast of a video showing the one and only fatal shot fired by the police officer, at close range. Very quickly, many residents of so-called “popular” neighborhoods took to the streets to make their fury heard, exposing many grievances against the police. Very quickly, the situation deteriorated into urban violence, everywhere in the country, mainly in the evening and at night when many misdeeds are committed by people of all ages. The situation escalated because the death of Nahel appeared as a pretext for any exactions. Thus, these last nights have been marked by the deployment of a large police force to try to stop the numerous attacks perpetrated against public buildings, shops, vehicles of all kinds and even persons in authority. public. How is the situation changing day by day? We take stock.

How many arrests were made last night?

One of the main indicators of the harshness of the night for the police remains that of arrests. These data, published nationally by the Ministry of the Interior, make it possible to measure the extent of the events over the past hours. However, no details are given on the places or reasons for the arrests. No more than on the follow-up given to these arrests.

How many injuries have been identified among the police and firefighters?

These data, provided only by the services led by Gérald Darmanin, also specify the number of injured in the ranks of the authorities, namely the police and the gendarmerie, but also among the firefighters, strongly mobilized in the context of the various fires started. On the other hand, Beauvau does not specify whether injuries were identified among the rioters.

How many vehicles and buildings were set on fire or damaged?

Most of the abuses committed by people participating in this urban violence are concentrated around the burning of vehicles and damage to buildings, especially public ones, which are sometimes set on fire. Here too, the Ministry of the Interior publishes a daily count of these types of events throughout the country, making it possible to measure part of the extent of the damage.

These riots are reminiscent of those which had previously affected France in 2005 following the death of Zyed and Bouna, as well as those of 2007 following the death of two teenagers who were traveling on motorcycles, hit by a police car . They had each lasted between two and three weeks.
