An Eagle-Eyed Cop Spotted A Sleeve of Rifle Ammunition in the GLOVE COMPARTMENT OF A Man Who, Once Arrested, Turned Out to Be A Simcoe Drug Dealer.
Sterling Chard, 36, was Arrested and Searched on Nov. 21, 2022 after Police Discovered He was a short prohibition against possessing Firearms or Ammunition.
The Arresting Norfolk Oppi Officer Found Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Dime Bags, Two Phones, An Electronic Scale, A Container of Baking Soda, Glass Pipes and A Stack of Bills Totalling $ 1.445.
Almost Two Years Later, Still Awaiting Trial and Under A Form of House Arrest, Chard was arrested again an officer Notice Had an Expired Bachelor.
When Chard’s Pickup was stopped in Simcoe and an Officer Asked for Id, Chard Gave a False Name but a Little Investigation Turned Up His Real Identity.
Again, His Vehicle was Searched and Police Found Suspsed Heroin, 13 Apparent Crack Pipes and A Scale Covered in Drug Residue.
In Court, Chard Pleaded Guilty to Possession of Drugs for Trafficking, possession of Ammunition contrary to an order, obstructing police and failing to remain in his residence.
Although His Matters Were Headed for Trial, His Lawyer Admitted Chard’s Defense Plan Fell Apart and A Deal was worked outween the crown and defense for Time Served Plus a Two-And-A-Half Year Prison Sentence.
“This is at the Lower End of the Scale,” Said Justice Aubrey Hilliard, “But He (Cleared) Other matters and we know the system would collapse under its weight without submissions.”
Chard’s Lawyer Outlined How his client’s addiction from Began with a workplace Injury, Leaving Him Fighting for Insurance Benefits and Dealing With Chronic Pain.
“He has the ability to be clean from drugs, to be a father, a husband,” Said the judge.
“But there are other items His demons get the Better of Him and that’s the Nailing Struggle we see in the Criminal Justice System Day in and day out.”
Hilliard Urged Chard to spend his time inside thinking about his choices and agreed to the joint submission, leaving chard just over 31 month left to serve.
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