Arrested armed on the way to the embassy – charged

Arrested armed on the way to the embassy charged


  • Arrested armed on the way to the embassy – charged

    Police cordons after shots were fired near the Israeli embassy on Östermalm in Stockholm on May 17 – the day after a 15-year-old was arrested armed on his way to the embassy. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

    A 15-year-old boy is charged with a serious weapons offense after being arrested armed with a loaded gun in a taxi on his way to the Israeli embassy, ​​reports Ekot in Sveriges Radio.

    The arrest took place on May 16 in Tyresö south of Stockholm.

    – He has not wanted to say anything during the preliminary investigation, says prosecutor Rasmus Öman to the radio.

    According to the police, the boy has written that he “would do anything for this job”. The unknown is said to have given instructions on how the 15-year-old should first take a taxi to collect the weapon – and then wait for a second one to take him to the embassy.


  • Police action in Nacka

    Police on site in Nacka. Photo: Aftonbladet

    There is currently a police operation in Nacka.

    According to information to Aftonbladet, a person has been stabbed outdoors.

    The police do not want to confirm the information.

    – We were alerted just a short while ago. We are on site, but it is too early to say what it is about, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl.

  • Fire at Brussels Airport

    Smoke over the airport. Photo: Dursun Aydemir

    There is a fire next to the airport in Brussels. It writes Belgian Soiree. It must be a warehouse that is on fire.

    According to the newspaper, part of the roof of the warehouse has collapsed.

    No personal injuries have been reported at this time.

  • US and Ukraine agree on security pact

    US President Joe Biden (left) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a joint press conference during the NATO summit in Vilnius in July 2023. File photo. Photo: Paul Ellis/Pool via AP/TT

    Ukraine and the United States are united in a security agreement that will last for the next ten years.

    The pact is confirmed in a statement from the United States.

    The two presidents Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskyy meet during the G7 meeting in southeastern Italy and are expected to hold a press conference on Thursday evening.

    Prior to the joint deployment, the United States confirmed the settlement:

    “Today, the United States is sending a powerful signal of our strong support for Ukraine, now and in the future,” the United States announced in a statement.

  • Fire on a balcony in Gothenburg

    There is a fire on a balcony on Fjärde Långgatan in Gothenburg.

    – It is a fully developed fire and we are working to put it out, says the rescue service.

    There is currently no information that any people will be in the apartment to which the balcony belongs.

  • Car overturned into horse paddock

    A car has overturned into a horse paddock outside Nynäshamn.

    Neither horses nor people were injured.

    According to the police, gravel must have been placed on the road, which made the road slippery.

    There are no suspicions of crime in connection with the incident.

    The road manager is contacted about the slip.

  • Man killed in accident

    A man in his 90s has died after the head-on collision in Edsbyn earlier today.

    A report has been made and both vehicles have been impounded in order to investigate the cause of the accident.

    Relatives have been notified.

  • Fire in business premises

    Response to the fire. Photo: Blåljus Sthlm

    A business premises is on fire in Nacka.

    Aftonbladet has received pictures that show a large column of smoke from the scene.

    – We are there. I can’t say more at the moment, says a person at the rescue centre.


    According to the emergency services, it is an outbuilding that is on fire, where there should be rubble and rubber.

    – It causes a lot of smoke. But we have extinguished most of it, we have the fire under control, says Mikael Mygren, duty officer at the rescue service.

    No injuries have been reported at this time.

    The police write on their website that they are assisting the emergency services at the scene.

  • Russian suspected terrorist arrested in Småland

    A Russian man in his 40s was arrested earlier this week in Ljungby on suspicion of terrorist offences, which Smålandsposten reports. The man was arrested in connection with a vehicle check.

    According to an international wanted list that the newspaper has seen, the man has been wanted since 2015.

    The man is now under arrest and has no connections to Sweden. However, he has Finnish citizenship.

  • It is suspected of having kept a woman locked up for days

    The man was arrested on Monday. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

    A 35-year-old man is wanted in custody on suspicion of having abused, raped, and kept a woman confined in a place in Jämtland for several days last week, reports P4 Jämtland.

    The man was already arrested on Monday and the crimes were initially classified as attempted murder.

    The woman, who is 45 years old, was taken to hospital by ambulance with unclear injuries, according to the police.

    According to the radio, the man has previously been convicted of several similar crimes against several women.

  • Stop in Forsmark 3

    The Forsmark 3 nuclear power plant reactor will be taken off the grid at 6 p.m. to examine and possibly repair a valve, Vattenfall writes on its website.

    According to Vattenfall, all safety functions work as expected.

    The nuclear power plant is expected to be back in operation on Sunday afternoon.

    The plant’s other reactors are not affected, according to Vattenfall.

  • Death sentence for Swedes in Iraq – diplomat called up

    Two Swedes are said to have been sentenced to death in Baghdad. Archive image. Photo: Anmar Khalil/AP/TT

    Two Swedish men have been sentenced to death in Iraq for involvement in the murder of a gang criminal.

    A top Iraqi diplomat in Sweden has been called up to the Foreign Ministry, announced Foreign Minister Tobias Billström.

    “At the meeting, Sweden’s protests against the fact that Swedes in Iraq have been sentenced to death and demands that the death penalty should not be carried out,” says Billström in a written statement.

    Much is unclear, says Billström, and the purpose of the meeting is partly to request additional information.

  • USA’s HD: Abortion pills will remain

    United States Supreme Court in Washington DC. Archive image. Photo: Mark Schiefelbein/AP/TT

    US Supreme Court preserves wide access to the most widely used abortion pill in the country.

    A unanimous court does not believe that there are legal grounds to appeal the FDA’s approval of the abortion pill mifepristone.

    The agent has been approved for use in the United States since 2000 and has been used by six million people. In the past year, mifepristone was used in two-thirds of all abortions in the country.

    Had HD sided with the abortion opponents, the pill could have been banned or heavily restricted even in states where abortion is legal.

  • New rocket attacks against Israel

    A fire in northern Israel following an attack by Hezbollah on Wednesday. Photo: Leo Correa/AP/TT

    The Lebanese Islamist movement Hezbollah has directed a new wave of rocket attacks against Israeli military bases.

    According to the Israeli military, around 40 projectiles were sent from Lebanon towards the Golan Heights and the Galilee, but most have been shot down.

    The attack comes the day after what is described as Hezbollah’s most extensive rocket attack on Israel since the Gaza war began on October 7 last year. On Wednesday, according to Israeli media, more than 200 rockets were fired at the country.

    The Israeli government says it must respond “with force” against Hezbollah.

  • Stop in train traffic

    There is a stop in train traffic at Gothenburg’s central station, reports P4 Gothenburg.

    The reason is unauthorized people on the track.

    There is no forecast when the trains can run again.

    The disruption mainly affects Gothenburg, Stockholm, Karlstad, Oslo and Stenungsund.

    The text is updated.

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    check Ask your questions to the editors here!

  • Hello Bo Göran! I now assume we are thinking the same thing and you can’t find the article on the site. We have written about the scary accident here.

  • Has the airport at Palma reopened?


    Yes exactly. It was closed for a while but is now open again. Read more here.

  • Thank you for the eminent Valkompisen! A very good complement. Great with such quick responses. Hope to see him again in other contexts in the future! 😀


    Thank you for testing Valkompisen! It is not at all impossible that he will receive new information in the future. Until then, you can keep asking questions about what’s happening with the EU now, here!

  • Can’t you be a little more specific when you say that something has happened in, for example, southern Stockholm Stockholm, be more specific about the location, you don’t understand where it is southern Stockholm Stockholm you are talking about, which area. You need to be more clear when you write.


    Hey Maya! Sometimes we can’t actually print the exact location and it depends on several different things. For example, if a person has been found dead but relatives have not been helped, then we do not want to risk issuing a death notice by writing in too much detail.

  • A question about the nursing strike related to your article about heavily pregnant Victorija. For me, childbirth and maternity care in particular feel like extremely socially important professions. From what I understand, there are at least two things in the right to strike that should prevent such departments from going on strike? Region Skåne declares that women and children can die. Why haven’t they submitted the question to the committee that decides whether it is socially critical then? I can understand postponing planned procedures, but a woman can’t squeeze until the strike is over?!



    Region Skåne considers the strike to be socially dangerous industrial action. They have therefore requested that the Vårdförbundet withdraw the strike notice.

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